发信人: qinyin (风~~~开到茶靡·繁华落尽), 信区: ANSI
标 题: 33区li-liang
发信站: 日月光华 (2004年04月01日11:54:08 星期四), 站内信件
┌──┴─┐ ─╮ ┌┌ ─╮ ┌┌───┐┌──┼─╮ ╭─┐
│┌┬╮ ┐┌──┴─┐╰├┌─┴┐┌│ ╭ │ │ │
┤╭┼┐┐│ ┌ ┐└┼┌ ┐ │┌┼─┐───┼─┼┌─┼──┐
┤┌│╮││ │ ││││ │││ │ │└─┬┼┬┘ │ │
││││┘│ └ ┌╯╰│└ ┌╯││ │ │ ─┤│├┘ │ │
└╰┘┘ ┘└───┴┘╰┘└─┴┘╰└└╯└╯╰─┘┘╰┘└─╯ └╯
痢 C1A1 立 C1A2 粒 C1A3 沥 C1A4 隶 C1A5 力 C1A6
┬┌─┴─┐ ┌─┬╮┌┌─┬┬┐┬─┬╭ ┐┌┼──┼┐┌┌─┼─
│ └┬┘ ┌┐│ │││ ││ │ ││ │┌┌─┼─ │
┼│┌╯┐│││├─┼┤╯┌─┼┼┐├─┤┴┬┴┌┌─╯ ┌┌─╯
│└─┬─┘││└─┼┘││ ││││─┤ │ │└─┼─╯│└─┼─╯
││╭┘ │││└─┼╯││ ┘┴│┴─┤└┼┘│└─┼─┘│└─┼─┘
┴└└─╯┘╰┘╰─┴┘└╰ ┘ └┘─╯┘└────┘└────┘
璃 C1A7 哩 C1A8 俩 C1A9 联 C1AA 莲 C1AB 连 C1AC
┌╮┌─┴┐┌──┴─┐┌├───╮┌┌┌┼─ ┌┬─┴┬┐├─┐┌ ┐
├─│┼┼┐│┌┼─┼┐┼│ │┌ │ ┌╯ ╮╰┐│ │╯┬╯
╭┬│┼┼┐│┌┼─┼┐││ ╭┐╰ ┌┌╯ ┌──┼─┐┘─└││
┌┼│┼┼┼│─┼─┼┼│ ───┐││└─┼╯│ │ │╭┌┌││
└││┼┼┘│└┼─┼┘│ ╭ │││└─┼┘└ │ ╯│││└┼┐
╰┘┘┘┘┘└└ ┘┘╰ └──╯╰└───┘ ┘ ┴┴┴└╯┘
镰 C1AD 廉 C1AE 怜 C1AF 涟 C1B0 帘 C1B1 敛 C1B2
┌┐├──┐┌╮┌┌┼ ┌─┬┴┬┐ ┐┌┼─ ╭─┌┼─ ┌┌┌─┴┐
│││ │├─ │ ┌ │ │╮│├┌╯ │ ┌╯ ╰├│ │
├┤┘──└╭┬┌┌╯ │ │ ││└││ ┐ └┬│ ┐ └┼├──┤
││╭ ╮┐┌┼│└┼╯└ ┘ ╯┘ │└─┼╯╭┘└─┼╯││├──╯
├┤│ ││└││└┼┘╭ ╮ ╮ ├╭ │┐└─╭ │┐╰│├─┬┘
╯┘┴─┴┴ ╰└──┘└╰─┴─┘└╯└ ┘┘└─└ ┘┘╰┘└ ╰┘
脸 C1B3 链 C1B4 恋 C1B5 炼 C1B6 练 C1B7 粮 C1B8
※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[FROM:]
Sender: qinyin Feng is blooming until the tea rush is over and the prosperity is gone, letter area: ANSI
Title: District 33 li liang
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:54:08, site mail
dysentery C1A1 Li C1A2 grain C1A3 Li C1A4 Li C1A5 Li C1A6
glass C1A7 mile C1A8 two C1A9 joint C1AA lotus C1AB joint C1AC
sickle C1AD lian C1AE pity C1AF ripple C1B0 curtain C1B1 convergence C1B2
Face C1B3 Chain C1B4 Love C1B5 Lian C1B6 Lian C1B7 Food C1B8
Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [FROM:]