发信人: flubber (跳跳马), 信区: ASCIIArt
标 题: 42区 CAC5-CAD0 shi4
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Thu May 6 22:48:24 2004), 转信
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逝 势 是 嗜 噬 适 仕 侍 释 饰 氏 市
Sender: flubber hopping vault horse, message area: ASCIIArt
Title: Area 42 CAC5 CAD0 shi4
Sending station: BBS Westward Journey Station Thu May 6 22:48:24 2004, forwarded
The passing trend is to be addicted to food, suitable for being an official, serving as an official, serving as a Shi, playing the role of Shishi.