发信人: superlady.bbs@bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw (这就是我!), 看板: ASCII
标 题: [字体]数资周
发信站: 中大资管龙猫资讯天地 (Tue Mar 12 11:22:17 2002)
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@superlady@ ◥██◣ ◥█◣ ◥◤
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╭═╮╮ ╮☆═╮╭═╮╮ ☆║╭═☆╭═╣╭ ╭ 中央资管龙猫水友厝86级
╰═╮║ ║║ ║☆═╯╠═╯║║ ║║ ║║ ║ superlady(pipi)
☆═╯╰═☆╠═╯╰═╯╩ ☆╰═╰╰═☆╰═☆ pipi.lin@msa.hinet.net
╯ ╰═╯
Sender: superlady.bbs@bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw This is me! , Board: ASCII
Title: [Font]Shu Zi Zhou
Sending site: Zhongda Asset Management Chinchilla Information World Tue Mar 12 11:22:17 2002
It’s so hard to write down the numbers. "
Central Asset Management My Neighbor Totoro Water Friendship Level 86
superlady pipi