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作者: superlady (这就是我!) 看板: ASCII
标题: Re: 拜托各位高手们 有点急...
时间: Sun Mar 17 15:43:39 2002
※ 引述《xxx.bbs@bbs.tscvs.ttct.edu.tw (ξUgly boyξ→喜)》之铭言∶
: 就是有关"鬼言绿语"这四个字的.....
: 希望各位高手能帮个忙...要做进版画面的....
: 能帮忙弄比较特别的字吗?? 拜托个位高手了 谢谢......
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˙ ▆▄▂█▆▅▃▂▁_盈月与繁星 欢迎莅临参观 ms.twbbs.org IP∶
※ Origin: 盈月与繁星 (MoonStar.twbbs.org) ◆ From:
Author: superlady This is me Board: ASCII
Title: Re: Please experts, I'm a little anxious...
Time: Sun Mar 17 15:43:39 2002
Quote xxx.bbs@bbs.tscvs.ttct.edu.tw ξUgly boyξ 喜之motto
: It’s about the four words "Ghost Words and Green Language"...
: I hope all the experts can help me... I want to make a page entry screen...
: Can you help me with some special characters? I’m asking an expert. Thank you...
Waxing Moon and Stars Welcome to visit ms.twbbs.org IP
Origin: Waxing Moon and Stars MoonStar.twbbs.org From: