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◥◤◥█████ ▉ @superlady@ ▊
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作者: superlady (这就是我!) 看板: ASCII-Market
标题: Re: [徵图]北海道
时间: Tue May 21 13:07:54 2002
※ 引述《YaMeMe (100%纯绵羊纸箱)》之铭言:
: http://ehokkaido.24cc.com/
: 这里有个网站
: 能不能帮我做个图跟他的首页一样
: ┌─┬─┐
: │北│海│
: ├─┼─┤
: │道│..│
: └─┴─┘
: 拜托高手罗 感激不尽*^^*
in colorful
Take a walk in the sea of flowers
Author: superlady This is me Board: ASCII Market
Title: Re: [Photography] Hokkaido
Time: Tue May 21 13:07:54 2002
Quote from the YaMeMe 100% pure sheep carton
: http: ehokkaido.24cc.com
: Here is a website
: Can you help me make a picture similar to his homepage?
: Beihai
: road ..
: Please master Luo, thank you very much*^^*