作者: superlady (这就是我!) 看板: ASCII
标题: Re: 征字~~~拜托拜托~~~
时间: Thu Mar 21 10:27:03 2002
※ 引述《siria (QQ)》之铭言∶
: 请帮我写「小啄木」三个字~
: 拜托拜托~~~
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※ Origin: 盈月与繁星 (MoonStar.twbbs.org) ◆ From:
Author: superlady This is me Board: ASCII
Title: Re: Call for words, please, please
Time: Thu Mar 21 10:27:03 2002
Quotes from siria QQ
: Please help me write the words "Little Woodpecker"
: Please please
Origin: Waxing Moon and Stars MoonStar.twbbs.org From: