作者 superlady.bbs@ms.twbbs.org (这就是我!), 看板 ascii
标题 Re: 请superlady大大帮ㄍ忙...
时间 盈月与繁星 (Mon Aug 12 16:18:11 2002)
※ 引述《kinki.bbs@hua.twbbs.org (情人节快乐啦...)》之铭言∶
: 想要"世纪无敌"四ㄍ字
: 拜托superlady大大帮ㄍ忙
: 谢谢罗....
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Written by superlady.bbs@ms.twbbs.org This is me , kanban ascii
Title Re: Please superlady help me a lot...
Time Waxing Moon and Stars Mon Aug 12 16:18:11 2002
Quote kinki.bbs@hua.twbbs.org Happy Valentine's Day... motto
: I want the words "Invincible of the Century"
: Please superlady help me a lot
: Thank you Luo....
green green
green green
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