发信人: superlady.bbs@bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw (这就是我!), 看板: ASCII
标 题: Re: [征字体] "幼" 来 "电" 了
发信站: 中大资管龙猫资讯天地 (Wed Feb 27 20:46:56 2002)
==> ICQ.bbs@bbs.mhit.edu.tw (新版名"HELLOMORNING") 提到:
: 有人能够帮我用上面的字样做 "幼" 来 "电" 了 四个字吗???
: 感激不尽...希望能够在两天内有回覆.....谢谢....谢谢.....
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◎[superlady]From: 61-225-7-136.HINET-IP.hinet.net
Sender: superlady.bbs@bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw This is me! , Board: ASCII
Title: Re: [Zheng font] "You" has come to "call"
Sending site: Zhongda Asset Management Chinchilla Information World Wed Feb 27 20:46:56 2002
> ICQ.bbs@bbs.mhit.edu.tw New version name "HELLOMORNING" mentioned:
: Can someone help me use the words above to make "小" and "电" into four characters???
: Thank you very much... I hope to have a reply within two days... Thank you... Thank you...
I don’t know if this suits my needs^^"
My Neighbor Totoro Information World bbs.mgt.ncu.edu.tw
[superlady]From: 61 225 7 136.HINET IP.hinet.net