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◥████◤@superlady@ ◥◤ ◢◤
作者: superlady (这就是我!) 看板: superlady
标题: Re: 尘砂
时间: Tue Apr 16 18:31:52 2002
※ 引述《gg3747 (无名滴兔子----!)》之铭言∶
: ※ 引述《gg3747 (无名滴兔子----!)》之铭言∶
: : 可以在帮帮我写'尘砂'....阿哩阿多...CC
: : 因为我朋友也很喜欢你ㄉ字体....叫我帮他跟你说ㄉ..
: : 多谢唷..^^.....我会叫他附上你ㄉIDㄉ...^^
: 口乌......''尘砂''咩............
: 我只找你写咩.....>_<....
◢██ █▉█ ███ ███ ███ ██▌ ◢██ ██◣ █▉█ ﹒ ˙﹒
██◤ █▉█ █▉█ ██▆ █▉█ ██▌ █▉█ █▉█ █▉█ ˙﹒
███ █▉█ █▉█ ███ █▉█ ██▌ █▉█ █▉█ █▉█ ﹒˙
███ █▉█ █▉█ ██▆ ███ ██▌ ███ █▉█ ███ ˙
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██◤ ◥██ ██ ◥██ ██◥ ◥██ █▌█ ██◤ █▌ ◥███◤
※ Origin: 盈月与繁星 (MoonStar.twbbs.org) ◆ From:
Sorry to help you draw so late^^"
Author: superlady This is me Board: superlady
Title: Re: Dust and Sand
Time: Tue Apr 16 18:31:52 2002
Quoting the inscription of gg3747 The Unknown Rabbit
: Quote from gg3747 The Nameless Rabbit
: : Can you help me write "Chensha"...Ali Aduo...CC
: : Because my friend also likes your font...ask me to help him tell you...
: : Thank you...^^...I will ask him to attach your ID...^^
: Kouwu......''Chensha''咩......
: I only want you to write...> <....
﹒ ﹒
Origin: Waxing Moon and Stars MoonStar.twbbs.org From: