作者: superlady (这就是我!) 看板: ASCII-Market
标题: Re: [征字]资手遮天
时间: Sat Apr 13 19:25:34 2002
※ 引述《enimi (铁狮玉玲珑)》之铭言:
: 麻烦各位高手...
: 希望能写出像毛笔字ㄉ感觉
: 恩...5000金币可以吗??
: 希望高手多多帮忙...急着要用来做进站划面ㄉ~~感谢
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◥█ ◥█▎@superlady@
Author: superlady This is me Board: ASCII Market
Title: Re: [Zhengzi]Zhihou covers the sky
Time: Sat Apr 13 19:25:34 2002
Quotes from enimi Iron Lion and Jade Linglong
: Excuse me, experts...
: I hope I can write like calligraphy with a brush
: Well...5000 gold coins is okay??
: I hope experts can help me...I am anxious to use it to make pit stop graphics. Thank you.