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◤◢▏▋◢▍▉ ▄▆◣◤ ◣/▃▁_◢▎ ◣◥▎ ▕▉◤ ▇_▅= ▕安福▏ ▏
▌/▄▊ ▎_ ◥◣▄▇◢▍ ▊▏▂▁◢◢◤▋| ▉ ◢ █◣▁▂▃▂|
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\ ▋▊ ▋◣_▅▃◤◢▄▆▇▄ ◣ ▆▇◢▋▉▎ ◢ ▎ ◢ ◤ 吉 祥 如 意 ◥
◣◥_◥ ▏▁▆ ▌◤▄ ▅▇~-= ▇◤◤▍▍ ◢◤ ◢_▃ telnet://ptt.cc ◢
◣◥◣◥\ ◣-▎╱ˊ_ ▂`ˋ╲▍▆◤◢◤ =▃ ◢◤ 2010 恭贺新禧◤
◣◥◣◣/▎◥▄▃◢▂▁▃◥▃◤ ▍◤ ▏ ︼▃
◣◥ ◥◣◥ ◣ ▆◣▆ ▃▇ ▍ Qemon
─────◥_ ◥ ▅_◥◣◣▁◤ ▂▅◤柳_◤ ─────────────────
欢迎来到 批踢踢实业坊 目前有【666666】只老虎 祝福您 虎年大吉,虎气冲天。
请输入代号,或以 guest 参观,或以 new 注册:
作者 Qemon (小Q) 看板 Vision
标题 [投稿:进站画面] 福虎平安
时间 Thu Mar 11 20:05:47 2010
Good luck and good luck
telnet: ptt.cc
0 0 Congratulations on the New Year
Welcome to Pikikak Industrial Square. There are currently 666666 tigers. I wish you good luck in the Year of the Tiger and full of tiger energy.
Please enter the code or visit as guest or register as new:
Author Qemon Small Kanban Vision
Title [Contribution: Inbound Screen] Fuhu Ping An
Time Thu Mar 11 20:05:47 2010