发信人: soulfox (小o&灵狐~以华丽之名), 信区: ANSI
标 题: [合集]那个分页行数问题
发信站: 日月光华 (2007年07月24日22:50:55 星期二), 站内信件
specimen (梁梁! 实干家) 于 2007年06月24日13:49:28 星期天 提到:
MssCmm (临散伊潸·恋上一声|给点阳光) 于 2007年06月24日14:04:16 星期天 提到:
第一页 19
后面 23
: 第一个page要多少line
: 后面的page要多少line
: 然后首行和末尾行是不是都要空白的?
legendspirit (0127·卿云长系·天涯若比邻) 于 2007年06月24日14:15:08 星期天 提到:
: 第一页 19
: 后面 23
: 不是的
: : 第一个page要多少line
: : 后面的page要多少line
: : 然后首行和末尾行是不是都要空白的?
MssCmm (临散伊潸·恋上一声|给点阳光) 于 2007年06月24日14:15:28 星期天 提到:
: 不过最后一行最好还是空白,或者是看上去比较连贯的边框
: 因为上一页的末行会显示在下一页的首行
: : 第一页 19
: : 后面 23
: : 不是的
Sender: Soulfox Xiaoo&Linghu In the name of gorgeousness, message area: ANSI
Title: [Collection] The problem with the number of pagination lines
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua Tuesday, July 24, 2007 22:50:55, site mail
specimen Liang Liang Doer mentioned on Sunday, June 24, 2007 13:49:28
How many lines are needed for the first page?
How many lines are needed for the following pages?
Then should the first and last lines be blank?
MssCmm Linsan Yilu Fall in love and give some sunshine mentioned on Sunday, June 24, 2007 14:04:16
Page 19
back 23
: How many lines are needed for the first page?
: How many lines are needed for the following pages?
: Then should the first and last lines be blank?
legendspirit 0127 Qingyun Changtie Tianyaruobilin mentioned on Sunday, June 24, 2007 14:15:08
But the last line is best left blank or with a more coherent-looking border.
Because the last line of the previous page will be displayed on the first line of the next page
: First page 19
: back 23
: no
: : How many lines are needed for the first page?
: : How many lines are needed for the following pages?
: : Then should the first and last lines be blank?
MssCmm Linsan Yilu Mentioned by Falling in Love and Giving Some Sunshine on Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 14:15:28
Yeah, yeah, right
: But the last line is best left blank or with a more coherent-looking border.
: Because the last line of the previous page will be displayed on the first line of the next page
: : First page 19
: : back 23
: : no