发信人: Grubby (王星星|一年之前的你我), 信区: ASCIIArt
标 题: [合集]第三章作业 by csc
发信站: 北大未名站 (2008年04月16日08:45:38 星期三), 站内信件
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日22:49:05 星期二), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 onlyone 的信箱 】
o o .
<I> √H\ (o //o
/#\ /ㄟ o_︵.. < ╲ !! //注:左边这个全身错位……=。=
◣ ◢▍ 我就不说我本来想画什么了。。
◥ ▌ 当是杂草吧T_T
▊◣ ▂ 还顺手画了只小鸽子,嘿嘿
▁▂ ▌▏ ▃▃ ╭╮
▆▄▅ ▉▌ ▌▆ ︵╯ゝ
▇▌ ▕▏ ▌ /灬)'╯
▕▍ ▌ ▍ |╱╨
▋ ▊ ▋ 〝
┌───╮ │◤◢██
│◤◢█◣ │◢██▅ ┌───╮
│◢█▅▅ └▆██◤ │◤◢█◣
└◥██◤ │◢█▅▅
咔咔 这样不知道对不对?:)
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日22:51:58 星期二), 转信
┌───╮ │◤◢██
│◤◢█◣ │◢██▅ ┌───╮
│◢█▅▅ └▆██◤ │◤◢█◣
└◥██◤ │◢█▅▅
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 【 以下文字转载自 onlyone 的信箱 】
: =============火柴人==============
: o o .
: <I> √H\ (o //o
: /#\ /ㄟ o_︵.. < ╲ !! //注:左边这个全身错位……=。=
: ﹋~
: =======小植物&小动物。。@@=======
: 泪。。我画的好难看
: ▏
: ▋
: ...........................
作者 GinnyPotter (本id暂时替代csc。。sigh), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:00:06 星期二), 转信
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 呃,火柴人和动植物画的挺好的了
: 就是没有想到草用色块画@.@不过效果好像还不错
: 关于色彩的问题就看阅读资料好了
: 透明色效果做的不对,因为背景的蓝是暗色的
: 估计原理你是懂的就是一不小心弄错了
: 下面是一个正确的例子
: ┌───╮
: ┌───╮ │◤◢██
: │◤◢█◣ │◢██▅ ┌───╮
: │◢█▅▅ └▆██◤ │◤◢█◣
: ...........................
作者 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:01:44 星期二), 转信
【 在 GinnyPotter (本id暂时替代csc。。sigh) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是说透明效果只能用暗色么?
: @@
作者 GinnyPotter (本id暂时替代csc。。sigh), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:02:07 星期二), 转信
【 在 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得是这样的……
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:03:56 星期二), 转信
【 在 GinnyPotter (本id暂时替代csc。。sigh) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是说透明效果只能用暗色么?
: @@
作者 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:05:44 星期二), 转信
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是,透明色效果的原理就是在过渡的时候使用合成色
: 下面也是一个效果,不用过于死板
: ╱╲╱╲
: ╱╲╱╲╱╲
: ╲╱╲╱╲╱
: ╲╱╲╱
作者 GinnyPotter (本id暂时替代csc。。sigh), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:06:36 星期二), 转信
【 在 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……) 的大作中提到: 】
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不是,透明色效果的原理就是在过渡的时候使用合成色
: 下面也是一个效果,不用过于死板
: ╱╲╱╲
: ╱╲╱╲╱╲
: ╲╱╲╱╲╱
: ╲╱╲╱
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:06:58 星期二), 转信
【 在 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……) 的大作中提到: 】
: 但是你不觉得亮色大多数时候很鸡肋么
: 因为对比太强烈了
: 暗色比较靠谱
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:07:45 星期二), 转信
【 在 GinnyPotter (本id暂时替代csc。。sigh) 的大作中提到: 】
: 嗯。。有道理
: 主要是色值坐标相加?
: 但是你不觉得亮色大多数时候很鸡肋么
: 因为对比太强烈了
: 暗色比较靠谱
作者 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:08:06 星期二), 转信
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 说的很对,但是对比也是有对比的用处
: [[当然其实我个人不重视色差。。。飘走
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:11:37 星期二), 转信
【 在 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我是觉得不到非它不可的时候最好还是少用亮色
: 可能跟个人喜好也有关……
作者 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:12:04 星期二), 转信
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 但是黑背景的情况下我喜欢用白色+合成色搭配
: 这样比较活泼。。。[[再度飘走。。。
作者 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:13:00 星期二), 转信
【 在 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我喜欢各种深浅的灰色+暗合成色……
作者 jymm (茗笺|这是后天么……), 信区: ASCIIArt
标题 Re: 第三章作业 by csc
时间 北大未名站 (2008年01月29日23:14:53 星期二), 转信
【 在 onlyone (欧灵婉|苏丽珍你教我明白花样的幽默) 的大作中提到: 】
: 果然十分的Hades牙。。。
※ 转寄:·北大未名站 bdwm.net·[FROM:]
Sender: Grubby Wang Xingxing You and me one year ago, message area: ASCIIArt
Title: [Collection] Chapter 3 Assignments by csc
Sending station: Peking University Weiming Station April 16, 2008 08:45:38 Wednesday, station mail
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Chapter 3 Assignment by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 22:49:05 Tuesday, forwarded
The following text is reproduced from onlyone's mailbox
Matchstick Men
o o .
<I> H o o
# ㄟ o .. < !! Note: The whole body on the left is dislocated
Small plants & small animals @@
Tears, my painting is so ugly
I won’t say what I originally wanted to draw.
Think of it as weedT T
I also drew a little pigeon hehe
Adjacent and complementary colors
In fact, in this assignment, I have already tried to explain my understanding of adjacent colors.
Personally, I don’t like the contrast in a picture to be too strong, so even the text, I hope the colors between them can be harmonious.
Adjacent colors can allow different content to be written in similar forms. It can be regarded as a kind of unity. When drawing, you can
In order to create some transition, gradient and other effects, complementary colors can make the picture more vivid due to their strong contrast.
Eye-catching, but I personally feel that if a large number of complementary colors are used in a picture without paying attention to the contrast between adjacent colors, it will
The whole picture is overdone and dazzling, especially in color block works.
But having said that, I feel like there aren’t many colors that can be used, so actually the contrast of colors is not that important, it’s more important.
Or is it the penetration and doping between similar colors?
transparency effect
Kaka I don’t know if this is right or not
the last part
Actually, I have nothing to say about this part because I have been in contact with ANSI for a long time.
There was a lot of confusion when I first used it. The effect I had done with ANSI was completely messed up here@@
Later, I learned a little basic ASCII code and it became much better.
Regarding painting, I feel a little confused about the overall layout of the picture. I don’t know how to arrange and leave blank space.
Another thing is that I still don’t have a good command of the use of characters. I feel that I still need to practice more and imitate to see how the experts handle it.
Thank you teacher
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 22:51:58 Tuesday, forwarded
Uh, I can draw stick figures, animals and plants very well.
I just didn’t think of using color blocks to paint the grass@.@But the effect seems to be pretty good
For questions about color, just read the reading materials.
The transparent color effect is wrong because the background blue is dark.
I guess you understand the principle but you accidentally made a mistake.
Here is a correct example
Question 5: Things that are confusing are also very confusing.
However, the corresponding things will be mentioned in the reading materials of Chapter 46.
From my point of view, there are three most important things in a picture: composition, color and details.
So I try my best to talk about it, but I’m not sure whether it’s good or not.
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you teach me to understand the humor of tricks, it is mentioned:
: The following text is reproduced from onlyone’s mailbox
: Matchstick Men
: o o .
: <I> H o o
: # ㄟ o .. < !! Note: The whole body on the left is dislocated
: Small plants & small animals @@
: Tears, my painting is so ugly
Author GinnyPotter This id temporarily replaces csc sigh, message area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:00:06 Tuesday, forwarded
Does it mean that the transparent effect can only use dark colors?
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, it was mentioned:
: Well, I can draw stick figures, animals and plants very well.
: I just didn’t think of using color blocks to paint grass@.@But the effect seems to be pretty good
: For questions about color, just read the reading materials.
: The transparent color effect is not done correctly because the background blue is dark.
: I guess you understand the principle but you accidentally made a mistake.
: Below is a correct example
Author jymm Mingjian Is this the day after tomorrow? , letter area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:01:44 Tuesday, forwarded
I think so
It is mentioned in GinnyPotter's masterpiece that this id temporarily replaced csc sigh:
: Does it mean that the transparent effect can only use dark colors?
: @@
Author GinnyPotter This id temporarily replaces csc sigh, message area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:02:07 Tuesday, forwarded
All right
In the masterpiece of jymm Mingjian Is This the Day After Tomorrow, it is mentioned:
: I think so
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:03:56 Tuesday, forwarded
No, the principle of transparent color effect is to use synthetic color during transition.
The following is also an effect. There is no need to be too rigid.
It is mentioned in GinnyPotter's masterpiece that this id temporarily replaced csc sigh:
: Does it mean that the transparent effect can only use dark colors?
: @@
Author jymm Mingjian Is this the day after tomorrow? , letter area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:05:44 Tuesday, forwarded
But don’t you think bright colors are boring most of the time?
Because the contrast is too strong
Dark colors are more reliable
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, it was mentioned:
: No, the principle of transparent color effect is to use synthetic color during transition.
: The following is also an effect. Don’t be too rigid.
Author GinnyPotter This id temporarily replaces csc sigh, message area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:06:36 Tuesday, forwarded
Yeah, that makes sense
Mainly the addition of color value coordinates
In the masterpiece of jymm Mingjian Is This the Day After Tomorrow, it is mentioned:
But don’t you think bright colors are boring most of the time?
Because the contrast is too strong
Dark colors are more reliable
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, it was mentioned:
: No, the principle of transparent color effect is to use synthetic color during transition.
: The following is also an effect. Don’t be too rigid.
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:06:58 Tuesday, forwarded
You're right, but comparison also has its uses.
[[Of course, I personally don’t pay much attention to color difference. Float away.
In the masterpiece of jymm Mingjian Is This the Day After Tomorrow, it is mentioned:
: But don’t you think bright colors are boring most of the time?
: Because the contrast is too strong
: Dark colors are more reliable
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:07:45 Tuesday, forwarded
Because under the same circumstances, the color difference between bright colors is twice that of dark colors.
It is mentioned in GinnyPotter's masterpiece that this id temporarily replaced csc sigh:
: Yeah, that makes sense.
: Mainly the addition of color value coordinates
: But don’t you think bright colors are boring most of the time?
: Because the contrast is too strong
: Dark colors are more reliable
Author jymm Mingjian Is this the day after tomorrow? , letter area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:08:06 Tuesday, forwarded
I think it’s best to use less bright colors unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Maybe it’s also related to personal preference
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, it was mentioned:
: You are right, but comparison also has its uses.
: [[Of course, I personally don’t pay much attention to color difference. Float away
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:11:37 Tuesday, forwarded
But when the background is black, I like to use white and synthetic colors.
It's more lively this way [[Float away again
In the masterpiece of jymm Mingjian Is This the Day After Tomorrow, it is mentioned:
: I think it’s best to use less bright colors unless it’s absolutely necessary.
: Maybe it’s also related to personal preference
Author jymm Mingjian Is this the day after tomorrow? , letter area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:12:04 Tuesday, forwarded
I love all shades of gray and dark synthetic colors
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, it was mentioned:
: But when the background is black, I like to use white and synthetic colors.
: This is more lively [[Float away again
Author onlyone Ou Lingwan Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, mail area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:13:00 Tuesday, forwarded
Sure enough, Hades teeth are very good
In the masterpiece of jymm Mingjian Is This the Day After Tomorrow, it is mentioned:
: I like various shades of gray and dark synthetic colors
Author jymm Mingjian Is this the day after tomorrow? , letter area: ASCIIArt
Title Re: Chapter 3 Homework by csc
Time Peking University Weiming Station January 29, 2008 23:14:53 Tuesday, forwarded
I'm not as tough as him
In the masterpiece of onlyone Ou Lingwan and Su Lizhen, you taught me to understand the humor of tricks, it was mentioned:
: As expected, Hades teeth are very good
Forward: Peking University Weiming Station bdwm.net [FROM:]