发信人: foggyyfoggyy (;我是一只草莓), 信区: ANSI
标 题: 鼓浪听涛 新手培训教程3 by around
发信站: 日月光华 (2003年01月07日23:59:48 星期二), 站内信件
╭―― ┉┉┉… ───┄┄ ┄…┄┄┄╮
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┆ ├─┤╰┴─┴┘┌──╮╰╮ ╭┘
┆ ├─┤╰───╯╰──┘ ╰╮╯ ┆
╰┴─┤╭│╮ ╮ ╰- -╯ ╭╰╮ ¦
┆ ╯╯╰──╯╰──╯╰┘ ╰╯¦
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┆╰╮╰──┬──╯╰╮ ├────┘ ┆
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╭╯ ╰─┘ ╰ │ ╭╯ └╯ ╯ ╯ ┆
╰┄┄ ┄ ┄┄ ┄――────┉┉ …-╯
基本字符:╭ ╮╰ ╯─ │┼ - 辅助字符:└ ┐┘┌ 丄
并不是直直的,而是用╭ ╮╰ ╯这几个字符来结束,这样写出来的字就让人感觉到曲
──╮ -─┼─- ╰──╮╰─┼─╯
┬─┼┌┬┴┬╮ ╰┬─┼┌┬┴┬╮
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● ┌──┴──╮─┬╯┌────╮ ╭───┴───╮ ───┬───╯
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╰╮ │├-┼─┼-┤╯│╰ ─-┼-─ │ ┌────╮ │ │
● ╯╯ ╯ ╯ ╯ ╯ ╰──┴──╯╰ ╰────┘ ╯ ╰-╯
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※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[FROM:]
Sender: foggyyfoggyy ;I am a strawberry, message area: ANSI
Title: Gulang Tingtao Novice Training Tutorial 3 by around
Sending station: Sun and Moon Guanghua Tuesday, January 7, 2003 23:59:48, in-site mail
This lecture is going to talk about the style of line calligraphy shown above, which is also the most common type of line calligraphy.
Basic characters Auxiliary characters 丄
The shape of Chinese characters itself is very beautiful, and the strokes are drawn very regularly, so when writing, you only need to type
Just trace the lines of the Chinese characters next to each other. One characteristic of this type of font is that the ends of the lines are
It's not straight, but it ends with these characters. The words written in this way make people feel curved.
The lines are flexible. For example, the listening words on the left and right sides of the picture below
Obviously, the characters on the right are more dynamic and faint than those on the left, and the curved ends make it easier to grasp the characters.
The balance of the body, for example, and occupies different heights, so it is best to bend the end of the vertical line
There is another way to write boxes. Generally speaking, I don’t agree with the first two boxes as follows. I think the latter two boxes
more flexible
Haha, judging from the last homework, many people don’t know how to observe the shape and structure of words, otherwise they wouldn’t be so
Many people have such a small mouth when writing the word "rich". It is best to put the Chinese characters next to them for reference when writing. The size should be as large as possible. At the beginning
It is best to write or first draft as strictly as possible according to the specifications of Chinese characters.
Today’s assignment is Xiamen. It will look better if it is written in Traditional Chinese.
Here are two more reference examples for you to read more and learn from:
Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [FROM:]