发信人: giky (魏小宝~~随便啊), 信区: ASCIIart
标 题: Asciiart课堂教程4-色块图
发信站: 饮水思源 (2003年09月18日12:25:47 星期四), 站内信件
色 块 图
制作色快图一般分为2种方法,1 直接对照原图,自己用相应的色块拼成你所要的图。
2 利用bmpascii把bmp图转成色快图的雏形,然后经过大量的修改成所要的作品
1 准备工作 a 软件:bmp2ascii
b 原图:由于bmpascii是基于bmp的图片文件进行转换的。所以原图的
nemo的原图 http://bbs.sjtu.edu.cn/showfile?name=findingnemo3.jpg
2 修改图片:
3 转换:bmpascii软件
▄◥ ▎██▋▁ ▕▎
◢ ◣ ▉◥▉◥▆█▇▆◥
▉ ◥ ▁◢ ◥▂▃▃ ◣
▆▏ ◢▄ ▏ ◢█◤◥◥◤▍
▎ ▉▎ ◤ ▏ ◤ ◢▇▇▆▇▄◥
▊ ▉◢▌◤▏ ◢◢ █████▉▍ ▅ ◤
▏ ▁ ▄▄▂▂ ▃◥▍▊ ◢▎ ██████▉▍ ◤
▋◢███◤▉▊▎▍▍ ▉ ▎ ◢▄▁████▊ ▃▂
▕ ████ ◥▊▏█▌ ▌ ▎▕◤ ▃◣ ██▃◣
▕▎███▌ ▉▍█▊ ▊▍ ▍ ▉▋██ ▊ ▍
▋▎◥██▋ ▋▊▎ ▋▏ ▋ ◣◢▋██ ▄▊
▊▍▇███ ▋▎▏ █◣▂▂◢██▊◤ ▄
▎████▍◢▏ ▋▏ ◥█◤◥███████◥
◣◥◤██◤ ▊▁ ▃ ◥ ◢▃ ◥◥████▊▏
▆▄◥◤ ▆ ▄▄▊◥ ◥▆▇████▋
◢▁ ▍ ▄▁ ▁████◤▏
▆▉◢ ▆◣████◤◢
4 修改:用bmpascii转换的图形仅仅只是一个雏形。毛刺多,颜色使用失真。色快表现
一般要做的几个部分是:1 删掉多余的色快
2 精简色快,将一些大量█并且是暗色的色快用大幅的
3 平滑色快,修理毛刺。三角一般是引起毛刺的最大原因
如: 毛刺大 较平滑
▂█▂◣▃◢ ▄▆▇█▇▆▄
4 适当利用线条字符将一些色快难于表达的部分勾勒出来
5 调整bmpascii转换中一些不合理的色快组合,让图层次
6 调整颜色,让图形更真实更美观
7 一些细节的斟酌
┌ FINDING ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┐╮
┊ █◣█▏▁▏◣◢▉◤█◥ _____ Flubber└┐
┊ ███▏▁▏██ ┃ >● ╱▂▄▃╲ ┊
┊ -▁▃◥█▏█▏◥◤▃◣_◢ ╱◢╲╲ \ \◣ ┊
┊ ▇▃▆▅▅▄▅▅▆▃▅▆▅━. \▎ヘ ▁▂▃▁▎ ┊
┊ ▆▅▅▅▆ ▕▍◢ ◥▇▆◣ ┊
┊ __▁◢◤ ▁▅▂▃▂_ ┊
┊ ▂▄▆▇▆▅▃▁ ╱▂▃ ▏ ◤▆ ████◣ ┊
┊ ◢ ▅▃▂▁ │ ─◤ ▍ ▋▎ ▅▃▅▄▃▄▅ ┊
┊◢ °。 ▍◤▏▋ ▋ ◤▅██████▋ ┊
┊ ▄▃▂▂▁▁▁-▊ ▊ ▊ ▌▕███████▍ ▁┊
┊ ○ ▋﹏___﹏ ▕▏▍ ▍ ▎▌ ◤ ◥██◤◥ ▃▅ ┊
┊ ▕▎____﹏▎ ▊▎▎▎▍▊▊▎ ◤ ▂_◣██ _◣ ┊
┊ , ▋ ̄ __﹏ ▍▏▊ ▏▍▊ ▋ ゜▏██゜▎ ┊
┊ ▕▏ ▋─﹋ ▎ ▋▍▂▎▉▋ ▌ ◣▃▎██▁▍▏ ┊
┊ ▕▍ ▊▎ ﹏─ ̄ ▍▍╲◣ ▎█◣ ▆ ◢██◣◢▍ ┊
┊ ▋ ▋ ▼  ̄ _.-' ▊▄▎─ ▋▏◥◤ ◥███◤◥ __◣ ┊
┊ \ ▍▕▍ ◥ _.-" ╱◤ ▊╱/◢▕▎ ◢▁__ __▁◣▎ ╲▍ ┊
┊ ▕▏ | ▋ ◥ ▄▃╱◤ ▆▅◢/◥▂ ▇▆▆▇ ◢ ╲ ▊▎ ┊
┊ ▋ ▕▍▌ ▕◤ ▆ ▆▊╱▆▄▁ ▃. ╲ ╲▌ ┊
┊ ▊▎ ▌▕▎▃◤ ▆ ▆▆▃▁ \▁▂▆▏ ┊
┊ ▕▍ ▌▅◣ Flubber ▅▄▃▄▆ ┊
Sender: giky Wei Xiaobao Whatever, message area: ASCIIart
Title: Asciiart Classroom Tutorial 4 Color Block Diagram
Sending site: Drinking water and remembering its source Thursday, September 18, 2003 12:25:47, site mail
Today we enter the study of color block diagrams. Color block diagrams should be considered the most difficult part of asciiart, so I can only
Let me give you some basic steps and techniques. In the process of correcting homework, flubber, eggplant, lstar and other experts
I will give you some experience based on actual practice.
color block diagram
There are generally two methods for making color pictures. 1. Directly compare the original picture and use the corresponding color blocks to create the picture you want.
2 Use bmpascii to convert the bmp image into a prototype of a color image, and then make a lot of modifications to the desired work.
Let’s take the second method as an example to introduce the basic steps of making a color block diagram. Take flubber’s nemo as an example.
1 Preparation a Software bmp2ascii
Download address http: bbs.sjtu.edu.cn showfile?name bmp2ascii.rar
b Original image Since bmpascii is converted based on bmp image files, the original image is
The source is usually a picture file in other formats converted into bmp or a screenshot. Everyone sees the picture they like.
You can take a screenshot and it will become the original image of your work.
The original picture of nemo http: bbs.sjtu.edu.cn showfile?name findingnemo3.jpg
2 Modify pictures
Generally speaking, your original image is complex and often contains some redundant factors such as background and decoration.
Or the angle of the image is difficult to express using ASCII, then you need to use some image processing software to convert the original image
Make some modifications to facilitate conversion. Delete unnecessary backgrounds. Change the background to black. Remove some complex details.
Partially adjust the image color and angle appropriately. When modifying, you can try to convert while modifying.
until a more satisfactory effect is achieved
nemo's modified bmp picture http: bbs.sjtu.edu.cn showfile?name findingnemo3.bmp
3 Conversion bmpascii software
There is a button open in the upper left corner. Use this button to import images.
There is a used character set on the right, including single byte, triangle, color fast, more color fast, clear, etc.
Options Select different options and your pictures will be converted with corresponding characters. Of course, you can also select the character set
Add some characters that are not there
There is a color checkbox in the middle. Select the color you need to form your color block diagram.
Parameters xrate yrate horizontal and vertical magnification dx dy horizontal and differential parameters
After selecting these parameters, click go and the seamless conversion effect will appear in the middle and lower part of the software.
Preview image You can adjust various parameters through preview
When you feel that the conversion effect is good, you can move to the next step.
nemo's conversion parameters xrate yrate 1.8,dx 2 dy 0
nemo conversion diagram
4 Modification: The graphics converted with bmpascii is just a prototype, with many burrs, distortion in color usage, and fast color performance.
It’s unrealistic and requires a lot of modifications. This part is also the most difficult part of making a quick color picture.
The general steps to do are: 1. Delete redundant colors.
2. Streamline the color palette. Use large and dark color palettes for some large and dark colors.
to express the background scenery
3 Smooth color and fast repair of burrs. Triangle is generally the biggest cause of burrs.
Make reasonable use of three character blocks and try to avoid large differences in the sizes of directly connected color blocks.
If the burrs are large, they are smoother.
4 Make appropriate use of line characters to outline some parts of the color that are difficult to express.
5 Adjust some unreasonable color combinations in bmpascii conversion to make the image hierarchical
clear structure
6 Adjust colors to make graphics more realistic and beautiful
7 Consideration of some details
When modifying, you can place the reduced image in the corner of the screen and modify it according to the original image until you are satisfied.
There are too many modification techniques and they are too difficult. When doing homework, you can ask more experts for advice. Also, watch more experts.
The processing of color block details is very helpful for growth
Picture modified by nemo
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