发信人: giky (魏小宝~~我要发明隐形药), 信区: ASCIIart
标 题: Asciiart课堂教程前言2-aniseditor的介绍
发信站: 饮水思源 (2003年09月08日00:45:09 星期一), 站内信件
3 ansieditor 的介绍:用来制作 ascii 的工具有很多,我向大家只介绍一款,
下载地址 http://bbs.sjtu.edu.cn/showfile?name=ansieditor2.03.rar
aniseditor 是一款所见即所得的工具。该工具分为菜单兰,工具栏,编辑栏等部分.
1 菜单栏部分有个外挂的小程序,就是字体编辑器,如果你下载了附带的字库,
你只要在编辑框中输入英文字母就会出现现成的 asciiart 的各种字体。但我个人
2 右边中部有个特殊字符框,所有的字符你只要在上面点击就会出现在编辑框中
ascii 图画。默认的当输入一个字符时,光标会向右移动一格,但当你构选 竖排
3 左下角有一个调色板,上面各种颜色。在某一颜色上点击鼠标左键表示把选定
4 Ansieditor 下面有下划线和闪烁选项,选定一个范围后把下划线或者闪烁勾起
5 选中的字体点选默认字体可以改变字体,但只有 cterm 能看出来
6 还有一点是 F11 就是所谓的无缝查看,在做色块画的时候可以靠无缝来查看效果。
7 复制问题,从 term 复制到 ansieditor 上就摁住shift复制。从ansieditor复制到
Sender: giky Wei Xiaobao I want to invent invisible medicine, message area: ASCIIart
Title: Asciiart Classroom Tutorial Preface 2 Introduction to aniseditor
Sending site: Drinking water and remembering its source Monday, September 8, 2003 at 00:45:09, site mail
3 Introduction to ansieditor There are many tools used to create ascii. I will only introduce one to you.
It is also the most popular and convenient one. We will use it in almost all our future courses.
Download address http: bbs.sjtu.edu.cn showfile?name ansieditor2.03.rar
ftp: ascii:ascii@
Let me briefly introduce this tool
aniseditor is a WYSIWYG tool. The tool is divided into menu, toolbar, edit bar and other parts.
Since it is a Chinese interface, it is very easy to get started. You only need to pause the mouse on the icon for a while.
The Chinese explanation of the icon appears
I only want to remind you of a few points:
1. There is a plug-in small program in the menu bar, which is a font editor. If you download the attached font library
As long as you enter English letters in the edit box, various ready-made asciiart fonts will appear. But for me personally
It is not recommended to use one. It cannot reflect your own style and creativity. On the other hand, it will develop your laziness.
2. There is a special character box in the middle right. All characters will appear in the edit box as long as you click on it.
The corresponding position where the cursor stays can be combined to create a pair of magical images by placing various characters in different positions.
ascii drawing By default, when entering a character, the cursor will move one space to the right, but when you select vertical
When you draw a frame, the cursor will move down one character, so you can edit a vertical screen, such as when drawing a vertical line.
Provides great convenience
3 There is a palette in the lower left corner with various colors on it. Click the left mouse button on a certain color to select it.
The content is added with the foreground color or the foreground color of the next character to be typed. On the contrary, right-clicking shows the background color.
Another way to color is to use Format Brush. When you select the foreground and background colors, Format Brush
Corresponding colors will appear wherever
4 Ansieditor has underline and blink options below. After selecting a range, select underline or blink.
Come, the selected part will be underlined or flashing. Inverting color is generally not used.
5. Select the selected font and click the default font to change the font, but only cterm can see it.
6 Another point is that F11 is the so-called seamless viewing. When doing color block painting, you can rely on seamless viewing to see the effect.
But it’s best to develop a good habit of always being seamless
7 Copy problem: Copy from term to ansieditor. Just hold down shift and copy from ansieditor to
Just select the area you want to copy on the term and just click copy.
This is basically what I want to remind you. Others will be easy to master if you try more. To make pp asciiart
Screen These are the necessary prerequisites
When you've read these premises, go to the next lesson. You'll be able to use this knowledge in the next lesson.