发信人: flubber (跳跳马), 信区: ascii_club
标 题: 画竖线的小技巧
发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Sun Aug 24 10:13:43 2003), 转信
| ←单字节 |
▕ ←右竖线 ▕
│ ←制表符 │
︳ ←左竖线 ︳
▏ ←色块 ▏
| ←第二个单字节,循环
Sender: flubber hopping vault, message area: ascii club
Title: Tips for drawing vertical lines
Sending station: BBS Westward Journey Station Sun Aug 24 10:13:43 2003, forwarded
It seems that I have said it once before, so let’s make noise again.
single byte
right vertical line
left vertical line
color block
Second single byte loop