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ORD TYPE DESCRIPTION ORGANIZER DATE 1. [D] Foreword A must read for newbies!! *^ ^* 2013-04-13 2. [D] Lecture 1: How to use color control codes 2007-02-04 3. [F] Lecture 2: The technique of one word and two colors Spirit 2007-01-13 4. [F] Lecture 3: Making frames Spirit 2007-01-13 5. [D] Lecture 4: How to draw characters 2013-04-02 6. [F] Lecture 5 The mystery of the blank key Spirit 2007-01-13 7. [F] Lecture 6 Changes in fonts Spirit 2007-01-13 8. [F] Lecture 1 Advanced Class Drawing Skills Spirit 2007-01-13 9. [D] Lecture 1: How to use shift codes 2007-02-04 10. [F] Lecture ΝNetterm window show character code Spirit 2007-01-13 11. [F] Lecture 1: Data display code Spirit 2007-01-13 12. [F] Lecture 1: How to use colored titles Spirit 2007-01-13 13. [F] Tips Repost Send Not working!? Look here! Spirit 2007-01-13 14. [F] Tips Color List Spirit 2007-01-13 15. [F] Tips: Low brightness flickering can also be seen in netterm Spirit 2007-01-13 16. [F] Techniques Wu Duo Pai Manuscript Paper Spirit 2007-01-13 17. [D] Experience piece, real-person testimonials!! 2007-02-04 18. [F] [Submission]Teaching Document Three-dimensional Composition Spirit 2007-01-13