发信人: Allosaur (allo), 信区: ANSI
标 题: [技术支持]bbs天使之城asciiart新手FAQ
发信站: 日月光华 (2008年05月06日20:26:41 星期二), 站内信件
天使之城站务组 制
_____ __ ___ :
/ __// | ╱_ \ │
/ /_ / _ | / / / / 。 。 :
/ _/ / _ |/ /_/ / 。ゝ ) ▕
/_/ /_/ |_|\__,\_\ く ﹨(/ :
゜乀╮╲ |(╮ \
╭⌒╮ ﹀へ╮ ) ヾア \
╭⌒╮╯ ╰﹀︶~ノ \ /
╭───╯ "ヽ \\ ﹨ ╭⌒╮ /
__ ︶` ╲ ╭⌒╮╰╭⌒╮╭⌒╮╱
/ _/ __ _ __ ╲ ╰╯╰ ╰ ) ╭⌒╯
_/ / ╱_ \ / '__/ ~·. ︶ .~ ﹀╯
/ _// // // / ╭︵ _ ~~ ──..─ '~
/ / \__╱/_/ ﹤ )`╱彡
/_/ ╭⌒╮ ╭╮ 乀 ~ ╮╮
-╯ ╰─╯╯ /、")\_ (_ ) ╯)
__ ___ ___ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
/ | ___ ____ / _// _/ __ _ _ __ _/ / ╭〉\︶╯
/ _ | / __// __/ / / / / ╱ _' // '_// _/ ~╯/.ㄟ
/ _ | \_ \/ (__ _/ / _/ / / /_/ // / / / ╭( ︶° 天使之城站务组
/_/ |_|/___/\___//___//___/ \__,_//_/ \_/ ゜╯ 2008年1月
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉╋ ╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
┋ 总则及term篇 红色黄色部分 4 其他效果代码 ┇
┇ 1 本FAQ适用人群 5 光标控制符与特殊qmd ┋
┋ 2 什么是AscIIart 6 延时代码 ┇
┇ 3 察看AscIIart的工具 7 半字编辑与双色字 ┋
┋ 4 对term的颜色设置问题 8 其他特殊控制符 ┇
┇ 5 色块画图形分裂问题的解决 9 快捷键简介 ┋
┋ 6 字体选择问题 10 输入特殊字符的方法 ┇
┇ 7 翻页问题 ┋
┋ 8 AscIIart的用途 软件工具篇 紫色红色部分 ┇
┇ 9 AscIIart相关档案修改方法 1 常用绘图工具 ┋
┋ 10 AscIIart的复制方法 2 AE3的bug简介 ┇
┇ 11 不同term察看AscIIart的区别 3 粘贴的*号问题 ┋
┋ 12 台湾ascIIart相关问题 4 各软件具体使用方法(略) ┇
┇ 13 AscIIart版权问题 资源及其他篇 蓝色白色部分 ┋
┋ 1 优秀作品欣赏地点 ┇
┇ 代码篇 靛色绿色部分 2 高级教程阅读地点 ┋
┋ 1 代码综述 3 讨论及求画地点 ┇
┇ 2 颜色代码 4 展示自创作品地点 ┋
┋ 3 颜色代码记忆方法 5 编后语 ┇
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉╋ ╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
┇ Q1 这个faq做什么用的?
┋ Q2 什么是AscIIart?
┇ __ __ __/ ╱ Q3 用什么工具可以欣赏AscIIart?
┋ ╱ \ \ /╱ / / Q4 观看AscIIart需要对term进行设置吗?
┇ / // // / / 为什么我看见的颜色效果觉得不太对?
/ \╱ \╱/ \ \╱ │ Q5 为什么我看见的图图分裂成一块一块的
/ ▔▔ Q6 能不能选用其他的字体看AscII作品?
/ 总则及term篇 Q7 为什么翻页的时候颜色变了?
Q8 AscIIart都用在什么地方?
Q9 上面的这些东东都如何修改啊~~?
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品?
。 。 尤其是超过一屏的,不知道怎么办啊~~
。ゝ ) Q11 不同的term看AscIIart有区别吗? ┋
く ﹨(/ Q12 如何察看、复制台湾bbs上的AscIIart? ┇
゜乀╮╲ |(╮ Q13 别人画的AscII作品我可以拿来用么? ┋
﹀へ╮ ) ヾア ┇
╰﹀︶~ノ 对AscII及term知之不多的可阅读此part~~~ ┋
"ヽ \\ ┇
︶` ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
Q1 这个faq做什么用的? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
本faq总结了网友关于以下几个方面的问题: ┇
AscII的观看、复制方法; ┇
AscII代码与其相关操作; ┇
╭︵ _
注意 本faq未提供AscII技巧与画法相关问题的解答, ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 不可替代相关AscII教程。 /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q2 什么是AscIIart? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
AscII是American Standard Codefor Information Interchange的缩写,也 ┇
就美国信息交换标准码,是美国国家标准局特别制定的。最初的AscII使用7 ┋
位二进制位编码,共128个码位(0~127)。这一编码很快就成为了世界性的标 ┇
准。 ┋
作,而现在我们所接触到的大都是引入了GB码(简体)或 ╭︵ _
big5码(繁体)字符的,扩充后的AscII。GB码或big5码 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 的特点是 每个字符占2字节位置。 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ANSI是American National Standards Institute的缩写, ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 也就是美国国家标准协会。往往作为AscII的代称。 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q3 用什么工具可以欣赏AscIIart? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
如果您使用IE等网页浏览工具(俗称的歪脖用户) ┇
很遗憾,由于编码问题,大部分的AscIIart的正确效果您是看不到的。 ┋
如果您是telnet用户(开始-运行-telnet 站点ip) ┋
您看到的AscIIart作品基本是准确无误的,但此方法不支持闪烁、下划线等 ┇
主要操作类似。 ╭︵ _
在天使之城站的web主页上提供了fterm V2.5.0.122下载 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 在化工系FTP提供了各种版本的term下载。 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ 注意 下文的大部分说明均以以下版本文例进行介绍 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ fterm V2.5.0.122毕业离校纪念版 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ Cterm V3.27Final ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q4 观看AscIIart需要对term进行设置吗? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
如果您看见的AscII作品颜色显示有些问题,那需要检查一下您的term设置 ┇
首先要确定“默认高亮”选项是关闭的: ┇
对fterm,选项栏--O选项--参数设置--默认高亮的勾去掉 ┋
对Cterm,选项栏--工具(T)--系统选项(Alt+O)--显示--强制高亮显示勾去掉 ┇
注意 此选项为对当前站点进行的设置,如果您要浏 ╭︵ _
览其他站点,需要对该站点再次设置。 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 如果还不能解决问题, /、")\_
┋ 请检查系统颜色设置或显示器设置(=.=) ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q5 为什么我看见的图图分裂成一块一块的? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
由于简体宋体中,◢◣█等字符的解释问题,大分辨率下这些符号会比背景 ┇
小一圈,看起来有断裂的感觉。解决方法如下: ┋
使用为AscIIart专用无缝字体SimSun_for_BBS ┋
下载地址:系FTP/pub/up_and_down/Soft/网络工具/BBS&远程登录 ┇
╭︵ _
注意 此选项为对当前站点进行的设置。 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 对Cterm用户,不使用最大化窗口,将窗口缩小至合适大 /、")\_
┋ 小也能得到类似效果。 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 如果您不想使用以上两种方法,请将断裂色块想象为整体。 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q6 能不能选用其他的字体看AscII作品? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
很遗憾,在win2000及以上系统中,包括楷体在内的许多字体有空格对不齐的 ┇
问题,会使AscII作品的字符错乱。 ┋
我们强烈建议您使用part1 Q5推荐的字体或新宋体查看。 ┋
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q7 为什么翻页的时候颜色变了? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
这是term对代码的跨行效果解析的问题。 ┇
翻页时不要使用↓光标,使用pgdn或空格可以部分解决这个问题。 ┇
另外,在发布一屏的作品时,请从第19行开始粘贴,即编辑状态下的倒数第 ┇
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q8 AscIIart都用在什么地方? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
基本上AscIIart可以用在bbs美化的各个角落,举例如下: ┇
昵称(俗称nick)显示在您发表文章的id后,或是个人状态的id后; ┇
签名档(俗称qmd)显示在您发表的每篇文章的最下方; ┋
说明档(俗称smd)显示在个人资料中; ┇
关位置察看,热点可以在版面文章列表下按大写H看到; ╭︵ _
个人备忘录,在进站热点后和离站画面前显示; ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 个人离站,替换站点离站画面位置,在离站时显示; 乀 ~
┇ 注意 此项有一定概率出问题,强烈不建议使用!! /、")\_
┋ 在日常聊天灌水时耍酷、扮无辜、装可爱用; ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 自我欣赏用; ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ …… ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q9 上面的这些东东都如何修改啊~~? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
nick ┇
1行代码,最多39字符,且不能使用任何控制符,在主菜单-I个人工具箱-U个 ┋
人参数设定中修改,建议nick不要过长,以免出现显示问题。 ┇
qmd ┇
╭︵ _
使用标题: Re: 支柱不知道去哪里鬼混了 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 使用第 1 个签名档 引言模式 [S] 乀 ~
┇ 按0~18/V/L选/看/随机签名档 /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 图1-1 qmd选择界面(局部) ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q9 上面的这些东东都如何修改啊~~? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
smd ┇
显示16行代码,建议不使用光标控制符,在主菜单-I个人工具箱-W编修个人档 ┋
案-1 个人说明档中编辑。 ┇
注意 某些站点察看个人资料时按字母L可以查看smd超过16行的部分,本站 ┇
系统用AscII ╭︵ _
您可以在notepad版为您的版面或活动申请活动看板、 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 热点,相关要求见notepad版置底。 乀 ~
┇ 普通用户无法编辑其他系统用AscII,如有建议可以 /、")\_
┋ 在notpad版或sysop版发文说明。 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
由于AscII作品带有颜色代码,须将颜色代码一同复制。其方法很多: ┇
(1)利用term自带的彩色复制功能 ┇
对fterm,将右键ANSI彩色复制和ANSI彩色粘贴选中,此后所有的右键复制粘 ┇
文本:ctrl+Ins和shift+Ins ╭︵ _
彩色:ctrl+shift+C和ctrl+shift+V ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 此方法简单快捷,但有时下划线和高亮的复制会出错, /、")\_
┋ 而且不能复制多于一屏的作品。 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 请在复制粘贴时,保持系统语言为中文简体,输入法中文 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
(2)利用term自带的全文下载功能 ┇
在阅读文章状态下 ┋
对fterm,点击图标栏的全文下载按钮,可得到含有全文的文本框,此时可对 ┇
其进行复制或另存为.txt文件等操作,注意存盘时选彩色存盘。 ┋
对Cterm,最上方选项栏--BBS--单篇文章下载阅读,或直接按快捷键F4,注意 ┇
(3)使用Zmodem下载 [推荐]
在需要复制的文章前按ctrl+Y,问 ╭︵ _
您确定要使用Zmodem传输文件么?[y/N] ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 输入要存储的文件名,建议.txt结尾,文章会被以txt形式 乀 ~
┇ 存于term安装文件夹的zdownload字文件夹中, /、")\_
┋ 复制代码粘贴(一定要彩色粘贴)至term即可 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 此方法Cterm支持的不太好,另外最好不要在穿梭时使用。 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 有时会丢失回车,原因不明。可能需要SSH登陆,未验证。 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
(4)使用暂存档[推荐] ┇
把欲复制的文章F回信箱,按E编辑此信; ┋
删掉非所需画面的帖子说明行、画面前后的空行、发贴人的签名档、IP来源 ┇
等冗余,直到编辑状态下只剩下画面部分的代码。(ctrl+Y可删除一整行) ┋
注意 有的画面中本身有空行,但由于代码精简,空行处没有空零代码。需
╭︵ _
注意 此方法中的esc+i等为先按esc,后按字母。 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 以上提及的代码及快捷键第二章有详述。 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ 此方法不丢失任何代码,但只能在同一站点操作, ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 不能跨站复制,而且对有空行的作品处理麻烦。 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
(5)利用转寄Email ┇
由于COA(及多数校园网bbs)未开通转寄至Email,此方法不适用于COA,可 ┋
用于newsmth等站。 ┇
将需要文章F至Email,注意提示: ┋
转成BIG5码?[y/N] 选[N]
过滤ANSI控制符?[Y/n] 选[N]
╭︵ _
此方法适用性不广,而且对某些邮箱,*号会被过滤。 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q11 不同的term看AscIIart有区别吗? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
有区别,以ferm和Cterm对比 ┇
只有Cterm支持的效果:延时、改变字体(只有少数站点支持)等; ┇
只有fterm支持的效果:一字双色; ┋
fterm与Cterm解释不同的效果:反色、下划线(某些低版本中); ┇
以上效果的详细说明参见part2 。
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q12 如何察看、复制台湾bbs上的AscIIart? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
台湾AscIIart较大陆起步较早,由于big5码对◢◣█等字符的支持较GB码为 ┇
好,台湾bbs也可以完美地支持一字双色(参见part2 Q7),台湾的AscII艺 ┋
术,尤其是色块画的水准相当高。 ┇
解决浏览台湾bbs时乱码问题的方法: ┇
(1) 使用专用浏览软件 PCMan/KKman,下载地址
http://pcman.ptt.cc/ (推荐)
╭︵ _
(2) 使用大陆用软件 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 修改字符集为big5(在修改字体界面修改,详见part1 乀 ~
┇ Q5,在系统装有big5字符集时方可修改) /、")\_
┋ 或使用term内部转换代码工具 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 对CTerm,察看(I)-站点属性(O)-编码,选big5 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 也可用MicrosoftAppLocale启动浏览软件 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q12 如何察看、复制台湾bbs上的AscIIart? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
台湾BBS中的作品复制方法: ┇
(1) 用转寄到email的方法来获取源代码(推荐,详见part1 Q10) ┇
(2) 浏览软件的彩色拷贝功能也可以获取源代码(可能存在细节错误) ┇
可以使用dntx@zixia的Ansi2B2G 0.11转换编码。
╭︵ _
下载地址 http://ansiart.org/viewsoftware.aspx?sid=7 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q13 别人画的AscII作品我可以拿来用么? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
如果您不打招呼就将别人作品拿来用,那是不合适的,将别人的作品宣称为 ┇
自己的作品更是严重的侵权行为。 ┋
对于原创的AscIIart作品,作者拥有完全的版权。 ┇
未经原作者授权同意的情况下如下行为均为严重侵犯ASCIIart版权 ┇
2)转载作品时不完全转载,截取转载或其他非恶性行为 ╭︵ _
(摘自ASCII侵权暴光周刊 by creambottle@zixia) ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 如果您喜欢某副作品想用来做qmd/smd等,请联系原作者, /、")\_
┋ 一般地,不是有特殊用途的作品,作者是会答应的;如果 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 您不知道原作者,可以到newsmth的AscIIart版发帖询问; ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 如果联系不到作者,最好不要使用。 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
┇ Q1 那些彩色,闪烁等特殊效果是怎么实现的?
┋ __ Q2 bbs上都有那些颜色?
┇ __ __ __/ ╱ \ Q3 啊啊~~这么多颜色记不住啊~~~
┋ ╱ \ \ /╱ / ╱ Q4 除了彩色之外,还有那些特殊效果呢?
┇ / // // / / Q5 什么是光标控制符?
/ \╱ \╱/ \ \╱ / 彩色id、7行qmd、悬挂qmd都是怎么实现的?
/ ▔▔ Q6 延时是怎么回事?为什么看不了?
/ 代码篇 Q7 能不能做出双色字?
Q8 还有什么特殊的控制符么?
Q9 编辑的时候有什么快捷键可用么?
Q10 如何输入特殊字符?
。 。
。ゝ ) ┋
く ﹨(/ ┇
゜乀╮╲ |(╮ ┋
﹀へ╮ ) ヾア 以下文字中出现的所有*号,如无特殊说明, ┇
╰﹀︶~ノ 均为按两下esc得到,而非shift+8得到。 ┋
"ヽ \\ ┇
︶` ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
Q1 那些彩色,闪烁等特殊效果是怎么实现的? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
所有文本以外的效果,都是靠AscII的特殊代码实现的,其结构如下: ┇
*[35m ㄧ *[1B ←-┐ ㄧ *[u ┋
↑ ↖ ↖ ㄧ ↑↖ ㄧ ↑↖ ┇
固 数 字 ㄧ 固 数 字 ㄧ 固 字 ┋
定 字 母 ㄧ 定 字 母 ㄧ 定 母 ┇
开 ﹃ 结 ㄧ 开 ﹃ 结 ㄧ 开 结
头 有 尾 ㄧ 头 有 尾 ㄧ 头 尾
时 ㄧ 时 ㄧ
无 ㄧ 无 ㄧ
﹄ ㄧ ﹄ ㄧ
中间以分号隔开的代码,表示几个有相同结尾的代码的简略 ╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ *[1;5;31m 等价于 *[1m*[5m*[31m 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ 另外,*[m表示所有的特殊效果(颜色、下划线、闪烁等) ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 到此结束,是非常常用的代码。 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 注意 再次强调 *号由两下esc得到 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q2 bbs上都有那些颜色? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
BBS 中支持的彩色一共只有 16 种,其中背景颜色只能用暗颜色的 8 种 ┇
具体代码和效果如下: ┋
前景颜色的写法:*[3xm 其中的 x 为 0-7 的数字 ┋
写法上 低亮颜色 在代码前加 0; 高亮颜色在代码前加 1;
代码 低亮前景色 代码 高亮前景色
*[0;30m黑色*[m 黑色 *[1;30m黑色*[m 黑色
*[0;31m红色*[m 红色 *[1;31m红色*[m 红色 ╭︵ _
*[0;32m绿色*[m 绿色 *[1;32m绿色*[m 绿色 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ *[0;33m黄色*[m 黄色 *[1;33m黄色*[m 黄色 乀 ~
┇ *[0;34m蓝色*[m 蓝色 *[1;34m蓝色*[m 蓝色 /、")\_
┋ *[0;35m紫色*[m 紫色 *[1;35m紫色*[m 紫色 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ *[0;36m靛色*[m 靛色 *[1;36m靛色*[m 靛色 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ *[0;37m白色*[m 白色 *[1;37m白色*[m 白色 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q2 bbs上都有那些颜色? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
背景颜色的写法:*[4xm 其中的 x 为 0-7 的数字 ┇
背景颜色没有高亮低亮的区别,只能显示低亮 ┇
部分Cterm和Sterm可以用反显代码显示高亮背景,但这不是通用的代码。 ┋
这部分是暗白前景代码 背景色(永远暗色)
*[0;37;40m黑色*[m 黑色
*[0;37;41m红色*[m 红色 ╭︵ _
*[0;37;42m绿色*[m 绿色 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ *[0;37;43m黄色*[m 黄色 乀 ~
┇ *[0;37;44m蓝色*[m 蓝色 /、")\_
┋ *[0;37;45m紫色*[m 紫色 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ *[0;37;46m靛色*[m 靛色 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ *[0;37;47m白色*[m 白色 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q3 这么多颜色记不住啊~~~ ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
8种基本颜色包括有(不含亮色暗色区别) ┇
光的三原色(红绿蓝)、三原色的混合色(黄紫靛)、以及黑白。 ┋
这也是为什么bbs中没有橙色。 ┇
图2-1 光的三原色叠加图
╭︵ _
颜色代码的规律基本遵循颜色叠加法则 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 1 红 2 绿 4 蓝 乀 ~
┇ 0 黑 7 白 /、")\_
┋ 3 黄 = 1 红 + 2 绿 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 5 紫 = 1 红 + 4 蓝 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 6 靛 = 2 绿 + 4 蓝 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q4 除了彩色之外,还有那些特殊效果呢? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
常用的特殊效果有: ┇
*[0m 恢复系统显示背景、前景色 ┋
*[1m 高亮显示字符 低亮 高亮 ┇
这两个在说色彩时提到过,不多说了 ┋
*[4m 下划线
*[5m 闪烁字符,前景内容间歇出现,背景色不变 闪烁 ╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 所有的闪烁字符的闪烁时间间隔不可调整, 乀 ~
┇ 而且画面的闪烁是同步的。 /、")\_
┋ 在闪烁和下划线共同使用时 *[4;5m ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 下划线也是闪烁状态 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q4 除了彩色之外,还有那些特殊效果呢? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
*[7m 反转显示 反转显示 ┇
fterm中的反转无视颜色代码,永远显示白底黑字 ┇
低版本Cterm中将前景色和背景色反转,但前景的高亮不能加到背景上 ┋
高版本Cterm中将前景色和背景色反转,如果前景为高亮, ┇
低版本Cterm显示亮绿字、暗红底 ╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q5 什么是光标控制符? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
光标控制符就是能控制光标位置的代码-_-||| ┇
主要有: ┋
相对位移: *[nA、*[nB、*[nC、*[nD ┋
*[nA 是将光标向 上 移动 n 行(n=1 时可以省略)
*[nB 是将光标向 下 移动 n 行(n=1 时可以省略)
*[nC 是将光标向 右 移动 n 列(n=1 时可以省略)
*[nD 是将光标向 左 移动 n 列(n=1 时可以省略)
绝对位移:*[x;yH ╭︵ _
将光标移动到屏幕左上起(x,y)坐标的位置,左上为(1,1) ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 其他配合代码:*[s *[u /、")\_
┋ *[s 是储存光标当前的位置 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ *[u 是读取由 *[s 储存的光标位置 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q5 什么是光标控制符? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
*[u后面的内容会衔接到*[s的位置上,常用来恢复光标控制符造成的位移, ┇
使移动过光标的文章不会乱掉。 ┋
如彩色id、多行qmd、悬挂qmd,都是利用光标控制符制作的特殊qmd ┋
彩色id是利用*[x;yH,将与id和nick相同的内容移动到第一行 ┇
储 移一 颜 您 您 颜 光
存 到行 色 的 的 色 标
光 九 代 id 昵 结 读 ╭︵ _
标 列 码 称 束 取 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 读取光标是为了后面的内容不会随着这段代码而向上移动, /、")\_
┋ 移动到第九列是为了空处前面的发信人: 共4个全角字符。 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 使用此qmd发文,就能看到彩色id效果了。 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q5 什么是光标控制符? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
多行qmd是利用*[nA、*[nB将一部分内容上移或下移 ┇
这样虽然还是6行代码,但显示效果却多于6行 ┋
如: qmd内容 qmd效果 ┇
1行 _ _ ┋
2行 _╱ ___ _╱ ___ ┇
3行 _╳︹ \ _╳︹ \
4行 /-_/\└/ /-_/\└/
5行 ·/ _╱╲ ·/ _╱╲ by Kieslowski
6行. ╱/*[1B*[3D﹀ . ╱/ @newSMTH
就可以得到一个7行的“雪”字。 ╭︵ _
*[1B*[3D是指将后面的内容下移1格,左移3格。 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 悬挂qmd类似于彩色id,不赘述。 /、")\_
┋ 注意 以上qmd最好不要使用在长于一屏的文章里, ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ 会使得文章凌乱不堪。 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ 注意 关于彩色id,其本质还是特殊的qmd,如果不使用这 ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ 个qmd,是不会达到彩色id效果的 ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q6 延时是怎么回事?为什么看不了? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
延时是Cterm特有的效果,靠着对*[nM的特殊解读达到。 ┇
*[nM就表示此后的字符推迟n毫秒的时间出现,如: ┋
答案是*[100MA ┋
注意 这是Cterm才能看到的效果。 ╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q7 能不能做出双色字? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
理论上可以,一个汉字是两个字节,如果让两个字节分别上色,就是双色字 ┇
了。 ┋
但事实上,只有fterm能正确显示这个效果。 ┋
将第一个字的前半上色 *[31m十四
将光标移动到字的中间 *[31m十四
将第二个字上色 *[31m?*[32m?四 ╭︵ _
一个字上色完毕 *[31m?*[32m?*[m四 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 在编辑状态下无法显示字的内容了,但发表后fterm就能看 乀 ~
┇ 到双色字效果。 /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ Cterm无法正常显示双色字,此特效不建议使用。 ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q8 还有什么特殊的控制符么? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
*[2J是清屏,*[K是清除字符到行末 ┇
现在并不常用。 ┋
还有一些Cterm专用的特殊控制符 ┋
如:*[2I可以改变字体为楷体,*[3I改为黑体,大多数bbs已经屏蔽此字符, ┇
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q9 编辑的时候有什么快捷键可用么? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
一些常用的快捷键: ┇
编辑状态下 ┇
ctrl+Y 删除当前行 ┇
ctrl+K 当前行删除至行末(保留光标前的内容)
esc+c 察看彩色效果
esc+e 当前内容写入暂存档
esc+i 读出暂存档内容
esc+s 搜索已编辑内容中的字符串
╭︵ _
注意 ctrl组合键为两键同时按,esc组合键为先按esc再 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 按另一个键。 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ 各term独有的快捷键可参看相关的软件帮助文档。 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q10 如何输入特殊字符? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
AscIIart中用的◢█⿶と等字符怎么输入,两个办法 ┇
a.使用输入法自带的软键盘 ┇
b.使用ansieditor等AscIIart绘图软件。 ┇
注意 由于web与term对个别字符,如注音符等,的解读不同,会发生排版乱
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
┇ Q1 那些进版、热点之类的大图
┋ __ 都是一个一个字符手敲的?
┇ __ __ __/ ╱ \
┋ ╱ \ \ /╱ / ╱ Q2 为什么说AE3的bug多呢?
┇ / // // / ▔\
/ \╱ \╱/ \ \╱ __╱ Q3 我从AE贴过去为什么有那么多*号?
/ 软件工具篇 Q4 这些软件具体如何使用?
。 。
。ゝ ) ┋
く ﹨(/ ┇
゜乀╮╲ |(╮ ┋
﹀へ╮ ) ヾア 此篇只作简单介绍 ┇
╰﹀︶~ノ 有兴趣者可参阅相关AscII教程~ ┋
"ヽ \\ ┇
︶` ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
Q1 那些进版、热点之类的大图都是一个一个字符手敲的? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
不排除有牛人这么做,但事实上大多数人还是要软件辅助的。 ┇
目前常用的辅助软件: ┇
Ansieditor v2.03e最主流的AscII绘图软件。 ┋
Ansieditor v3 比上一个版本多出了垫图描红、多屏动画绘制、自定义画布 ┇
/pub/up_and_down/Soft/网络工具/BBS&远程登录 ╭︵ _
或者可以在http://ansiart.org/下载 ﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ 这些软件都是asc界的前辈们为了繁荣AscII事业而编写的, /、")\_
┋ 我们在享受其便捷的同时应对前辈们怀着感激之情。 ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q2 为什么说AE3的bug多呢? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
AE3最著名的bug就在于:找不到字符输入框,事实上字符输入框被缩成了一 ┇
个很小的小方块,随即出现在界面的某个角落,需要细心地找到并展开,才 ┋
能使用。而且下次还会出现同样的问题。 ┇
另外,AE3还有一些/翻转会down掉之类的bug。尽管如此,但AE3在绘制多页 ┇
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q3 我从AE贴过去为什么有那么多*号? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
此问题的理论原因笔者并不很清楚,大意是这样: ┇
fterm的*号控制规定为单esc,Cterm的控制规定为双esc,因此当AE设置为 ┇
双esc控制时,在fterm中粘贴就会多出一个*号。 ┋
AE3中,工具(T)--选项F6--输出--esc个数改为单esc ╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 另外,如果使用Cterm,应将以上选项改为双esc,但现在 乀 ~
┇ Cterm在这方面比较智能,设置为单esc大多也能正常复制, /、")\_
┋ 可能会出现无*号的情况。(笔者未见) ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q4 这些软件具体如何使用? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
关于AE和b2a的使用技巧以及AscII作画的心得前辈留下大量的教程,可在 ┇
newsmth、zixia、rygh等bbs站的相关版面察看。 ┋
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
┇ Q1 那里能够看到高手的作品呢?
┇ __ __ __/ ╱ Q2 这个faq太无聊了,有没有更高级的教程?
┋ ╱ \ \ /╱ / ╱ /
┇ / // // / / / Q3 我对AscIIart很有兴趣,
/ \╱ \╱/ \ \╱ / 哪里能够讨论一下我的我的作品呢?
/ 哪里有可以求画呢?
/ 资源及其他篇
Q4 我觉得我画得不错,可以在哪show一下?
Q5 你已经没有用处了,还有什么要说的没有?
。 。
。ゝ ) ┋
く ﹨(/ ┇
゜乀╮╲ |(╮ ┋
﹀へ╮ ) ヾア 都看到这儿了 ┇
╰﹀︶~ノ 那就看完吧~~ ┋
"ヽ \\ ┇
︶` ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
Q1 那里能够看到高手的作品呢? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
目前大陆AscIIart比较活跃的版面有 ┇
水木社区(newSMTH)AscIIart版、日月光华(rygh)ANSI版,白云黄鹤、水云间 ┋
(88)、鼓浪听涛等站曾经很辉煌,但比较难登陆,现状不明,北大未名 ┇
(bdwm)的整体气氛也不错,大话西游(zixia)曾经是AscIIers的圣地,现已没 ┋
落,但精华区非常完整。 ┇
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q2 这个faq太无聊了,有没有更高级的教程? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
可以到以上的站点相关版面精华区阅读教程与faq ┇
推荐日月光华ANSI版短期培训班教程,由浅入深,也不长。 ┋
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q3 哪里讨论?哪里求画? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
在本站,可以光临test版贴贴自己的作品,目前有实习小美工L4KevinX常驻 ┇
于此,另有James、puya等资深美工不定期飘过,请注意捕捉。 ┋
您也可以去以上提及的版面逛逛,会有热心的高手为您提出意见建议的。 ┇
另外,在水木社区AscIIstudio版模板发文可以征集进版、qmd等相关作品, ┇
1 尊重画手,尊重asc版权
2 画手并非义务应征,如果没有征到请不要失落,毕竟自己动手才能丰衣足
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q4 我觉得我画的不错,可以在哪show一下? ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
在本站,您可以在Happy版开办个人画展,bm会将您的作品全部m并收入精华 ┇
区,您的id可与神熊、芙蓉这些前辈mm的名字并列~~ ┋
您也可以申请美工站务,将作品show与全站天使。天使之城站务组欢迎您的 ┋
加入。 ┇
╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
Q5 你已经没有用处了,还有什么要说的没有? ┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
AscIIart是一门门槛不高,又魅力四射的艺术。 ┇
用有限的字符,去表现无限的斑斓世界 ┇
就如格律诗一般带着镣铐却一样能跳出美丽的舞蹈…… ┇
(被pia飞) ╭︵ _
﹤ )`╱彡
┋ 乀 ~
┇ /、")\_
┋ ▕∕ ㄟ╰╮ ︵へ。
┇ ` ╭〉\︶╯
┋ ╭~╯/.ㄟ
┇ ° ╭( ︶°
╋┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉ ゜╯
┋ 初稿 排版 参考文献
┋ L4KevinX@COA 日月光华ANSI版短期培训班
┇ ASCII盗版暴光周刊
校对 AscIIart@newSMTH精华区
L4KevinX@COA puya@COA ANSI@rygh精华区
。 。 水木社区AscIIart版
。ゝ ) 天使之城BBSManage版 ┋
く ﹨(/ ┇
゜乀╮╲ |(╮ 特别鸣谢 ┋
﹀へ╮ ) ヾア ┇
╰﹀︶~ノ swarm@COA Kieslowski@newSMTH ┋
"ヽ \\ ┇
︶` ┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅┉┅╋
※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[FROM: bbs.zixia.net]
※ 修改:·Allosaur 於 05月06日22:57:29 修改本文·[FROM:]
Sender: Allosaur allo , Area: ANSI
Title: [Technical Support] bbs City of Angels asciiart novice FAQ
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua Tuesday, May 06, 2008 20:26:41, site mail
bbs City of Angels AscIIart Newbie FAQ v1.03
City of Angels Station Management Team
Please press space or pagedown continuously to read
Please delete the first 5 blank lines when reprinting to ensure correct reading effect.
, く ﹨ :
⌒ へ ヾア
⌒ ノ
"ヽ ﹨ ⌒
⌒ ⌒ ⌒
' . .
.. '
﹤ 彡
⌒ 乀
ㄟ へ
' ' .ㄟ
City of Angels Station Management Team
, ゜ January 2008
General Provisions and Terms Red and Yellow Parts 4 Other Effect Codes
1 Who this FAQ is applicable to 5 Cursor control characters and special qmd
2 What is AscIIart 6 delay code
3 Check out AscIIart's tools 7 Half-word editing and two-color fonts
4 Problems with term color settings 8 Other special control characters
5. Solving the problem of splitting of color block drawing graphics 9. Introduction to shortcut keys
6 Font selection issues 10 How to enter special characters
7 Page turning problem
8 Uses of AscIIart Software Tools Purple and Red Parts
9 How to modify AscIIart related files 1 Common drawing tools
10 AscIIart copy method 2 AE3 bug introduction
11 Differences in viewing AscIIart in different terms 3 Problem with pasted * sign
12 Taiwan ascIIart related issues 4 Specific methods of using each software omitted
13 AscIIart Copyright Issues Resources and Others Blue and White Parts
1 Place to appreciate outstanding works
Code Chapter Indigo Green Part 2 Advanced Tutorial Reading Location
1 Code Overview 3 Discussion and Request for Drawing Location
2 Color code 4 Place to display your own creations
3 Color code memory method 5 Postscript
Q1 What is this FAQ used for?
Q2 What is AscIIart
Q3 What tools can be used to appreciate AscIIart?
Q4 Do I need to set the term to watch AscIIart?
Why do the color effects I see feel wrong?
Q5 Why did the Tutu I saw split into pieces?
Q6 Can I choose other fonts to view AscII works?
General Provisions and Terms Q7 Why does the color change when turning pages?
Q8 Where is AscIIart used?
Q9 How to modify the above things?
Q10 How to copy AscIIart works
Especially if it exceeds one screen, I don’t know what to do.
ゝ Q11 Is there any difference in AscIIart for different terms?
く ﹨ Q12 How to view and copy AscIIart on Taiwan bbs
゜乀 Q13 Can I use AsciII works drawn by others?
ノ If you don’t know much about AscII and term, you can read this part
Q1 What is this FAQ used for?
This FAQ summarizes netizens’ questions about the following aspects:
AscII viewing and copying methods
AscII code and its related operations
Some problems with AscII creation software
For netizens who are interested in AscIIart but don’t know much about it.
Note: This faq does not provide answers to questions related to AscII techniques and drawing techniques﹤ 彡
Irreplaceable related AsciII tutorials "
ㄟ へ
Q2 What is AscIIart
AscII is the abbreviation of American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
As for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, it was specially developed by the American National Bureau of Standards. The original AscII was used7
Bit binary code with a total of 128 code points 0 127 This code soon became a worldwide standard
In addition to control characters or communication-specific characters, the AscII code includes spaces, Arabic numerals, and large English letters.
Lowercase, English punctuation and other visible characters. Each character occupies one byte and can be entered directly through the keyboard.
AscIIart is an art form that utilizes the combination of these characters defined by the AscII encoding. Originally
AscIIart is created using single-byte characters that can be input directly on a standard keyboard.
And now most of the things we come into contact with have introduced GB code Simplified or
big5 code Traditional Chinese character expanded AscII GB code or big5 code ﹤ 彡
The characteristic is that each character occupies 2 bytes 乀
ANSI is the abbreviation of American National Standards Institute ㄟ へ
That is, the American National Standards Institute is often referred to as AscII.
Q3 What tools can be used to appreciate AscIIart?
If you use web browsing tools such as IE, you are commonly known as a crooked neck user.
Unfortunately, due to encoding issues, you cannot see most of the correct effects of AscIIart.
If you are a telnet user, start running telnet site ip
The AscIIart works you see are basically accurate, but this method does not support flickering, underlining, etc.
Special effects are still not perfect
If you want to appreciate the latest AscIIart works completely and accurately
Please use the term terminal tool to log in
The more commonly used term terminal software includes Sterm, Cterm, fterm, etc.
The main operations are similar to
fterm V2.5.0.122 download is provided on the web homepage of the City of Angels Station ﹤ 彡
FTP in the Department of Chemical Engineering provides various versions of term downloads 乀
Note: Most of the instructions below are introduced using the following version of the text example ㄟ へ
fterm V2.5.0.122 Graduation Commemorative Edition
Cterm V3.27Final .ㄟ
Q4 Do I need to set the term to watch AscIIart?
If there are some problems with the color display of the AsciII works you see, you need to check your term settings.
First make sure the default highlighting option is turned off
Uncheck the default highlighted option in the fterm option bar O option parameter settings.
Uncheck Cterm Options Bar Tools T System Options Alt O Display Force Highlighting
If that doesn't solve the problem please check the color scheme
Customize Ansi color for fterm option bar T tool Customize the default state of any color scheme
View the top option bar of Cterm I site properties O color selection criteria
Note: This option is a setting for the current site. If you want to browse
Browse other sites. You need to set up the site again﹤彡
If the problem still cannot be solved "
Please check the system color settings or monitor settings. ㄟ へ
Q5 Why did the Tutu I saw split into pieces?
Due to interpretation issues for Simplified and Song Chinese characters, these symbols will appear smaller than the background at large resolutions.
A small circle looks like it is broken. The solution is as follows.
Use AscIIart dedicated seamless font SimSun for BBS
Download address: FTP pub up and down Soft network tool BBS & remote login
http: ansiart.org viewsoftware.aspx?sid 9
After downloading, extract it to the system fonts folder and then modify the bbs display font to SimSun for BBS
For fterm option bar O option current connection properties font ringtone font settings
View the Cterm option bar I site properties O font customization
Note: This option is the setting for the current site ﹤ 彡
For Cterm users, do not use the maximized window and reduce the window to a suitable size. "
Similar effects can be obtained even with small children ㄟ へ
If you don't want to use the above two methods, please think of the broken color block as a whole.ㄟ
Q6 Can I choose other fonts to view AscII works?
很遗憾 在win2000及以上系统中 包括楷体在内的许多字体有空格对不齐的
问题 会使AscII作品的字符错乱
我们强烈建议您使用part1 Q5推荐的字体或新宋体查看
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q7 为什么翻页的时候颜色变了
翻页时不要使用 光标 使用pgdn或空格可以部分解决这个问题
另外 在发布一屏的作品时 请从第19行开始粘贴 即编辑状态下的倒数第
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q8 AscIIart都用在什么地方
基本上AscIIart可以用在bbs美化的各个角落 举例如下
昵称 俗称nick 显示在您发表文章的id后 或是个人状态的id后
签名档 俗称qmd 显示在您发表的每篇文章的最下方
说明档 俗称smd 显示在个人资料中
察看个人资料方法 在主菜单 T聊天选单中找到欲查询的id 在版面列表或
文章列表状态下按小写u输入欲查询id 在文章列表欲查询id前按ctrl A
备忘录 俗称进版 进入版面时显示 可以在版面按tab键查看 也会在发表
文章状态下 输入题目和选择qmd时显示
站点进站 热点 离站 活动看板等 您可以在站点的相
关位置察看 热点可以在版面文章列表下按大写H看到
个人备忘录 在进站热点后和离站画面前显示 ﹤ 彡
个人离站 替换站点离站画面位置 在离站时显示 乀
注意 此项有一定概率出问题 强烈不建议使用 "
在日常聊天灌水时耍酷 扮无辜 装可爱用 ㄟ へ
Q9 上面的这些东东都如何修改啊
1行代码 最多39字符 且不能使用任何控制符 在主菜单 I个人工具箱 U个
人参数设定中修改 建议nick不要过长 以免出现显示问题
6行代码 在主菜单 I个人工具箱 W编修个人档案 2签名档中修改 每6行代
码为一个qmd单位 超过6行会被自动识别为两个qmd 在发文时输入题目 回
车后 用数字键选择已编辑的qmd 按字母L随机选择一个qmd 您以后发表文
章时会一直使用此qmd 第几个qmd或随机qmd 直到您下次更改为止
使用标题: Re: 支柱不知道去哪里鬼混了 ﹤ 彡
使用第 1 个签名档 引言模式 [S] 乀
按0 18 V L选 看 随机签名档 "
ㄟ へ
图1 1 qmd选择界面 局部
Q9 上面的这些东东都如何修改啊
显示16行代码 建议不使用光标控制符 在主菜单 I个人工具箱 W编修个人档
案 1 个人说明档中编辑
注意 某些站点察看个人资料时按字母L可以查看smd超过16行的部分 本站
不支持此功能 超长的部分不会被显示
您可以在notepad版为您的版面或活动申请活动看板 ﹤ 彡
热点 相关要求见notepad版置底 乀
普通用户无法编辑其他系统用AscII 如有建议可以 "
在notpad版或sysop版发文说明 ㄟ へ
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品
由于AscII作品带有颜色代码 须将颜色代码一同复制 其方法很多
1 利用term自带的彩色复制功能
对fterm 将右键ANSI彩色复制和ANSI彩色粘贴选中 此后所有的右键复制粘
也可选定范围后使用快捷键ctrl Ins和shift Ins
对Cterm 右键菜单中有文本复制 粘贴和ANSI彩色复制 粘贴两组选项 对应
文本 ctrl Ins和shift Ins
彩色 ctrl shift C和ctrl shift V ﹤ 彡
此方法简单快捷 但有时下划线和高亮的复制会出错 "
而且不能复制多于一屏的作品 ㄟ へ
请在复制粘贴时 保持系统语言为中文简体 输入法中文 .ㄟ
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品
2 利用term自带的全文下载功能
对fterm 点击图标栏的全文下载按钮 可得到含有全文的文本框 此时可对
其进行复制或另存为.txt文件等操作 注意存盘时选彩色存盘
对Cterm 最上方选项栏 BBS 单篇文章下载阅读 或直接按快捷键F4 注意
Cterm默认为文本下载 请在下载框中选择ANSI
此方法可以快速下载长作品 但对过长作品 有时Cterm有错行现象 fterm
有时会发生只能下载一屏或无法下载现象 暂时无解决方法
3 使用Zmodem下载 [推荐]
在需要复制的文章前按ctrl Y 问
您确定要使用Zmodem传输文件么?[y N] ﹤ 彡
输入要存储的文件名 建议.txt结尾 文章会被以txt形式 乀
存于term安装文件夹的zdownload字文件夹中 "
复制代码粘贴 一定要彩色粘贴 至term即可 ㄟ へ
此方法Cterm支持的不太好 另外最好不要在穿梭时使用
有时会丢失回车 原因不明 可能需要SSH登陆 未验证 .ㄟ
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品
4 使用暂存档[推荐]
把欲复制的文章F回信箱 按E编辑此信
删掉非所需画面的帖子说明行 画面前后的空行 发贴人的签名档 IP来源
等冗余 直到编辑状态下只剩下画面部分的代码 ctrl Y可删除一整行
注意 有的画面中本身有空行 但由于代码精简 空行处没有空零代码 需
自行在空行处写下*[0m 并按一个空格
按Esc e 回车 把画面部分的代码存入暂存档 在需要粘贴的地方 编辑状
态下按Esc i 回车 把画面的代码从暂存档读出
注意 此方法中的esc i等为先按esc 后按字母 ﹤ 彡
以上提及的代码及快捷键第二章有详述 乀
此方法不丢失任何代码 但只能在同一站点操作 ㄟ へ
不能跨站复制 而且对有空行的作品处理麻烦
Q10 如何复制AscIIart作品
5 利用转寄Email
由于COA 及多数校园网bbs 未开通转寄至Email 此方法不适用于COA 可
将需要文章F至Email 注意提示
转成BIG5码?[y N] 选[N]
过滤ANSI控制符?[Y n] 选[N]
察看Email 会收到bbs寄来的信 将信的内容复制 粘贴 注 一定要彩色
粘贴 至term对应位置即可
此方法适用性不广 而且对某些邮箱 *号会被过滤 ﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q11 不同的term看AscIIart有区别吗
有区别 以ferm和Cterm对比
Effects only supported by Cterm, delay, change font, only supported by a few sites, etc.
Only the effect supported by fterm is one word and two colors.
fterm and Cterm interpret different effects, inverse color, underline, in some lower versions
This is caused by different terminals interpreting the code differently. Generally, the interpretation of fterm is the standard solution.
For detailed description of the above effects, see part 2
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q12 How to view and copy AscIIart on Taiwan bbs
AscIIart in Taiwan started earlier than in mainland China. Because big5 code supports equivalent characters than GB code.
Good, Taiwan bbs can also perfectly support one word and two colors. See part2 Q7 Taiwan's AsciI art
The level of technique, especially color block painting, is quite high.
How to solve the problem of garbled characters when browsing Taiwan bbs
1 Use the dedicated browsing software PCMan KKman download address
http: pcman.ptt.cc recommended
http: www.kkman.com.tw
If the characters are still garbled during use, you can use MicrosoftAppLocale to start the browsing software.
2 Use software for mainland China﹤彡
Modify the character set to big5 in the font modification interface. See part 1 for details.
Q5 can only be modified when the system is equipped with the big5 character set "
Or use the term internal conversion code tool ㄟ へ
Check CTerm I site properties O encoding and select big5
You can also use MicrosoftAppLocale to start the browsing software.ㄟ
Q12 How to view and copy AscIIart on Taiwan bbs
How to copy works in Taiwan BBS
1 Use the method of forwarding to email to obtain the source code. Recommended. See part1 Q10 for details.
2 You can also obtain the source code by browsing the color copy function of the software. There may be detailed errors.
Due to different encodings, there is currently no perfect way to repost to the Mainland Simplified BBS. If you really need to repost,
Ansi2B2G 0.11 conversion encoding can be used by dntx@zixia
This software does not cover the situation of one word and two colors, so there may be flaws in the conversion.
Download address http: ansiart.org viewsoftware.aspx?sid 7 ﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q13 Can I use AsciII works drawn by others?
It is inappropriate if you use someone else's work without saying hello. Claim someone else's work as
His own work is a serious infringement
For original AscIIart works, the author has full copyright
The following behaviors without the authorization and consent of the original author are serious infringements of ASCIIart copyright
1 The act of tampering with other people’s original works without authorization and claiming them as your own.
2 The act of clearly intercepting the main materials of other people’s original works and claiming them as one’s own original works
3. Taking other people’s original works and changing the author tag to your own ID in any form
The following actions without the authorization and consent of the original author are general infringements of ASCIIart copyright
1 Reprint the work in its entirety without marking the author’s information
2. Incomplete reprinting, interception reprinting or other non-malignant behavior when reprinting the work
Excerpted from ASCII Infringement Exposure Weekly by creambottle@zixia ﹤ 彡
If you like a certain work and want to use it for qmd, smd, etc., please contact the original author. "
Generally, if it is not a work with special purpose, the author will agree if ㄟ へ
If you don’t know the original author, you can post a question on the AscIIart section of newsmth.
If the author cannot be contacted, it is best not to use .ㄟ
Q1 How are those special effects such as color and flashing achieved?
Q2 What are the colors on the bbs?
Q3 Ah, I can’t remember so many colors.
Q4 In addition to color, what are the special effects?
Q5 What is the cursor control character?
How to implement color ID 7-line qmd and hanging qmd
Q6 What’s the delay? Why can’t I see it?
Code Chapter Q7 Can I make two-color characters?
Q8 Are there any special control symbols?
Q9 Are there any shortcut keys available when editing?
Q10 How to enter special characters
へ ヾア All * signs appearing in the following text unless otherwise specified
ノ is obtained by pressing esc twice instead of shift 8.
Q1 How are those special effects such as color and flashing achieved?
All effects other than text are achieved by special AsciII code. Its structure is as follows
*[35m ㄧ *[1B ㄧ *[u
ㄧ ㄧ
solid number character ㄧ solid number character ㄧ solid character
definite letter ㄧ definite letter ㄧ definite letter
open knot ㄧ open knot ㄧ open knot
The head has a tail ㄧ The head has a tail ㄧ The head has a tail
time ㄧ time ㄧ
None ㄧ None ㄧ
ㄧ ㄧ
Codes separated by semicolons represent the abbreviation of several codes with the same ending.
﹤ 彡
*[1;5;31m is equivalent to *[1m*[5m*[31m 乀
In addition, *[m represents all special effects, colors, underlines, flashes, etc. ㄟ へ
The end here is a very common code
Note: Again, the * sign is obtained by pressing esc twice.ㄟ
Q2 What are the colors on the bbs?
There are only 16 colors supported in BBS. Among them, only 8 dark colors can be used for the background color.
The specific code and effects are as follows
The foreground color is written *[3xm where x is a number of 0 7
The difference between low brightness and high brightness is the difference in brightness between the same color.
In terms of writing, add 0 before the code for low-light colors; add 1 before the code for high-light colors;
Code low light foreground color code high light foreground color
*[0;30m black*[m black *[1;30m black*[m black
*[0;31mred*[m red *[1;31mred*[m red
*[0;32mgreen*[m green *[1;32mgreen*[m green ﹤ 彡
*[0;33m yellow*[m yellow *[1;33m yellow*[m yellow 乀
*[0;34m blue*[m blue *[1;34m blue*[m blue "
*[0;35m purple*[m purple *[1;35m purple*[m purple ㄟ へ
*[0;36mindigo*[m indigo *[1;36mindigo*[m indigo
*[0;37m white*[m white *[1;37m white*[m white .ㄟ
Q2 What are the colors on the bbs?
How to write the background color *[4xm where x is a number 0 7
There is no difference between high brightness and low brightness in the background color. Only low brightness can be displayed.
Some Cterm and Sterm can use reverse display code to display the highlight background, but this is not a universal code.
This part is the dark white foreground code. The background color is always dark.
*[0;37;40m black*[m black
*[0;37;42mgreen*[m green ﹤ 彡
*[0;37;43myellow*[m yellow 乀
*[0;37;44mblue*[m blue "
*[0;37;45mpurple*[m purple ㄟ へ
*[0;37;47mwhite*[m white .ㄟ
Q3 I can’t remember so many colors.
8 basic colors include excluding bright and dark colors
The three primary colors of light, red, green and blue, the mixture of the three primary colors, yellow, purple, indigo and black and white
This is also why there is no orange color in bbs
Figure 2 1 Superposition diagram of the three primary colors of light
The rules of color codes basically follow the color superposition rule ﹤ 彡
1 red 2 green 4 blue 乀
0 black 7 white "
3 yellow 1 red 2 green ㄟ へ
5 purple 1 red 4 blue
6 indigo 2 green 4 blue .ㄟ
Q4 In addition to color, what are the special effects?
Commonly used special effects include
*[0m Restore system display background and foreground color
*[1m Highlight characters Low brightness Highlight
These two were mentioned when talking about color, so I won’t say more.
*[4m underline
In fterm and higher versions of Cterm, the underline is the same as the foreground color of the word.
In lower versions of Cterm, the underline is always dark white.
*[5m flashing characters, foreground content appears intermittently, background color remains unchanged, flashing
﹤ 彡
The flashing time interval of all flashing characters cannot be adjusted 乀
And the flashing of the screen is synchronized. "
When flashing and underlining are used together *[4;5m ㄟ へ
The underline is also flashing
Q4 In addition to color, what are the special effects?
*[7m Reverse display Reverse display
Inversion in fterm ignores color codes and always displays black text on white background
In the lower version of Cterm, the foreground and background colors are inverted, but the foreground highlight cannot be added to the background.
In a higher version of Cterm, the foreground and background colors are inverted if the foreground is highlighted.
After inversion, the background is highlighted and the foreground is low-lit.
For example, the code *[7m*[1;31;42m is reversed to display *[m
fterm displays black text on white background
The higher version of Cterm displays dark green characters and bright red background.
The lower version of Cterm displays bright green characters and a dark red background.
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q5 What is the cursor control character?
The cursor control character is a code that can control the cursor position.
There are
Relative displacement *[nA *[nB *[nC *[nD
*[nA can be omitted when moving the cursor upward n lines n 1
*[nB can be omitted when moving the cursor down n lines n 1
*[nC can be omitted when moving the cursor to the right n columns n 1
*[nD can be omitted when moving the cursor to the left n columns n 1
Absolute displacement *[x;yH
Move the cursor to the x,y coordinate position from the upper left corner of the screen. The upper left corner is 1,1 ﹤ 彡
Other matching codes *[s *[u "
*[s is to store the current position of the cursor ㄟ へ
*[u is to read the cursor position stored by *[s
Q5 What is the cursor control character?
The content after *[u will be connected to the position of *[s. It is often used to restore the displacement caused by the cursor control character.
So that the articles that the cursor has been moved will not be messed up
For example, colored ID multi-line qmd and hanging qmd are special qmd made using cursor control characters.
Colored id uses *[x;yH to move the same content as id and nick to the first line
Such as qmd content
*[s*[1;9H*[1;31mL4KevinX*[m*[33m l4 is his 13th brother *[m*[u
Chu Yi Yi Yan You Your Yan Guang
Save the color label of the row color
Light Nine Generations ID Nick knot reading
The label column code is said to be ﹤ 彡
The purpose of reading the cursor is so that the following content will not move upward with this code. "
The move to the ninth column is for the sender in front of the space: a total of 4 full-width characters ㄟ へ
Use this qmd to post and you can see the color ID effect.ㄟ
Q5 What is the cursor control character?
Multi-line qmd uses *[nA *[nB to move part of the content up or down
Although there are still 6 lines of code, the display effect is more than 6 lines.
Such as qmd content qmd effect
1 line
2 lines
3 lines
4 lines
5 lines by Kieslowski
6 lines. *[1B*[3D . @newSMTH
You can get a 7-line snow word
*[1B*[3D means to move the following content down 1 space and to the left 3 spaces ﹤ 彡
Hanging qmd is similar to color id, no need to go into details "
Note that the above qmd is best not to be used in articles longer than one screen ㄟ へ
It will make the article cluttered
Note that regarding color ID, its essence is still special qmd. If you do not use this.ㄟ
A qmd will not achieve the color ID effect
Q6 What’s the delay? Why can’t I see it?
Delay is a unique effect of Cterm and is achieved by special interpretation of *[nM
*[nM means that the following characters will appear delayed by n milliseconds, such as
The answer is *[100MA
A will appear after 100 milliseconds. You can use this effect to create animations.
This is not a standard asc code. Not many people are using it now. Due to the delay, some terms may crash.
There will be no demonstration here. If you are interested, you can check out the AscIIart highlights of newsmth or zixia.
Note that this is an effect that can only be seen with Cterm.
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q7 Can I make two-color characters?
Theoretically, it is possible. A Chinese character is two bytes. If the two bytes are colored separately, it will be a two-color character.
Got it
But in fact, only fterm can display this effect correctly.
First, turn off the whole word processing of Chinese characters. Main menu IPersonal Toolbox UPersonal Parameter Settings
Perform whole word processing and then edit
Color the first half of the first word *[31m fourteen
Move the cursor to the middle of the word *[31m fourteen
Color the second word *[31m?*[32m?四
One word is colored *[31m?*[32m?*[m四﹤彡
The content of the word cannot be displayed in editing mode, but it can be viewed in fterm after publishing. 乀
To the two-color word effect "
ㄟ へ
Cterm cannot display two-color characters normally. This special effect is not recommended.
Q8 Are there any special control symbols?
*[2J is to clear the screen *[K is to clear characters to the end of the line
Not commonly used now
There are also some special control characters dedicated to Cterm
For example, *[2I can change the font to italics *[3I to boldface. Most BBS have blocked this character.
Therefore this effect is invalid
All non-standard codes are not recommended for use in formal occasions such as publishing. You can still create using standard codes.
Gorgeous effect
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q9 Are there any shortcut keys available when editing?
Some commonly used shortcut keys
In editing mode
ctrl Y delete current line
ctrl K deletes the current line to the end of the line and retains the content before the cursor.
esc c View color effect
esc e writes the current content into the temporary archive
esc i reads out the contents of the temporary archive
esc s searches for a string in edited content
Note that the ctrl key combination means pressing two keys at the same time. The esc key combination means pressing esc first and then ﹤ 彡
Press another key
For shortcut keys unique to each term, please refer to the relevant software help documentation ㄟ へ
Q10 How to enter special characters
How to input characters such as と used in AscIIart? Two methods
a. Use the soft keyboard that comes with the input method
b. Use AscIIart drawing software such as anieditor
Note: Because the web and term have different interpretations of individual characters such as phonetic symbols, typesetting chaos may occur.
Dropped events, please use with caution
Questions about drawing software will be answered in Chapter 3
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q1 Those big pictures of hot spots etc.
They are all typed by hand one character at a time.
Q2 Why is it said that AE3 has many bugs?
Q3 Why are there so many * numbers when I posted from AE?
Software Tools Q4 How to use these software
へ ヾア This article is just a brief introduction
ノ Those who are interested can refer to the relevant AscII tutorials
Q1 Those big pictures such as hot spots and hot spots for publication are all typed by hand one character at a time.
I don’t rule out the possibility of some talented people doing this, but in fact most people still need software assistance.
Currently commonly used auxiliary software
Ansieditor v2.03e the most mainstream AsciII drawing software
Ansieditor v3 has more pad drawing and multi-screen animation drawing than the previous version, custom canvas
It has powerful functions such as size, but has many bugs and is unstable. It is recommended to use v2.03 for daily use.
Hereinafter referred to as AE
bmp2AscII, referred to as b2a, can convert pictures into AscII character pictures, an important auxiliary software for color block painting.
These can be downloaded from the Department of Chemical Engineering FTP
pub up and down Soft network tool BBS& remote login
Or you can download it at http: ansiart.org﹤彡
These softwares were written by seniors in the asc industry in order to prosper the AscII career. "
While enjoying its convenience, we should also be grateful to our predecessors ㄟ へ
Q2 Why is it said that AE3 has many bugs?
The most famous bug in AE3 is that the character input box cannot be found. In fact, the character input box is reduced to one
A very small square will appear in a corner of the interface. You need to find and expand it carefully.
It works and the same problem will occur next time
In addition, AE3 has some bugs such as flipping down. However, AE3 is drawing multiple pages.
There are also irreplaceable advantages when it comes to works or very long works.
This FAQ is for AE3 assisted production
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q3 Why are there so many * numbers when I posted from AE?
The theoretical reason for this problem is not very clear to me. The general idea is that
The * control of fterm is specified as single esc. The control specification of Cterm is double esc. Therefore, when AE is set to
When controlling with double esc, when pasting in fterm, there will be an extra * sign.
Similarly, if you copy in color or download the full text in color in Cterm and then paste it in fterm, this will also appear.
In AE2.03e, the tool T option F6 esc control character is changed to FtermFireBird
In AE3, Tool T option F6 outputs the number of escs changed to single esc
﹤ 彡
In addition, if you use Cterm, you should change the above options to double esc, but now 乀
Cterm is smarter in this regard. Most of the time it can be copied normally if set to single esc. "
There may be situations where there is no * number. The author has not seen it. ㄟ へ
Q4 How to use these software
The seniors have left a lot of tutorials on the usage skills of AE and b2a as well as the experience of painting with AscII, which can be found at
Check related pages of newsmth, zixia, rygh and other bbs stations
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q1 Where can I see the works of masters?
Q2 This faq is too boring. Is there any more advanced tutorial?
Q3 I am very interested in AscIIart
Where can I discuss my work?
Where can I get paintings?
Resources and other articles
Q4 I think my painting is pretty good. Where can I show it?
Q5 You are no longer of use. Is there anything else you want to say?
へヾア You’ve all seen this
ノ Then just read it
Q1 Where can I see the works of masters?
Currently, the more active sections of AscIIart in mainland China include:
Shuimu Community newSMTH AscIIart version Sun and Moon Guanghua rygh ANSI version Baiyun Huanghe Shuiyunjian
88 Stations such as Gulangtingtao were once very brilliant, but it is difficult to log in. The current situation is unknown. Peking University is not named.
The overall atmosphere of bdwm is also good. Journey to the West. Zixia used to be a holy place for AsciIIers but is no longer there.
Falling but the essence area is very complete
In addition, http: ansiart.org has many excellent works that can be browsed on the web and a large number of related software.
Files available for download
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q2 This faq is too boring. Is there any more advanced tutorial?
You can go to the relevant section of the above site to read the tutorials and FAQs.
Recommended sun and moon Guanghua ANSI version of the short-term training course tutorial, from simple to deep, not long
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q3 Where to discuss and where to ask for drawings
On this site, you can visit the test version and post your own works. Currently, there is a resident intern artist L4KevinX.
Here, there are also senior artists such as James Puya floating by from time to time. Please pay attention to capture them.
You can also go to the forums mentioned above and there will be enthusiastic experts who can provide you with opinions and suggestions.
In addition, you can collect relevant works such as advanced qmd by posting in the AscIIstudio template of Shuimu Community.
but please note
1 Respect the artist and respect the copyright of ASC
2. It is not compulsory to apply for a painter. If you are not recruited, please don’t be disappointed. After all, you can make enough money by doing it yourself.
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q4 I think my painting is good. Can I show it somewhere?
On this site, you can open a personal art exhibition in the Happy version. bm will m and collect all your works into the essence.
Area: Your ID can be juxtaposed with the names of senior sisters such as Shenxiong and Furong.
You can also apply for art site management and show your works to all the angels on the site. The City of Angels site management team welcomes you.
join in
To apply for an art station, you can send a message on the SYSOP board or send a letter to the current art station
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
Q5 You are no longer of use. Is there anything else you want to say?
AscIIart is an art with low threshold and full of charm.
Use limited characters to express an infinite and beautiful world
Just like a metrical poem, you can still dance beautifully despite being shackles
Hey, hey, it's over, it's over
However, even though ANSI is good, don’t be obsessed with it.
Fly by pia
﹤ 彡
ㄟ へ
First Draft Formatting References
L4KevinX@COA Sun and Moon Guanghua ANSI version short-term training course
ASCII Piracy Exposure Weekly
Proofreading AscIIart@newSMTH Highlights
AscIIart@zixia essence area
L4KevinX@COA puya@COA ANSI@rygh essence area
Shuimu Community AscIIart version
ゝ City of Angels BBSManage version
゜乀 Special thanks
ノ swarm@COA Kieslowski@newSMTH
When can I change my name?
Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [FROM: bbs.zixia.net]
Modification: Allosaur modified this article at 22:57:29 on May 06 [FROM:]