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发信人: tunan (出埃及·遠走迦南·心靈的煉獄), 信区: ANSI 标 题: ASCII Art 十戒律(转载) 发信站: 日月光华 (2003年05月03日20:29:40 星期六), 站内信件 From: http://website.lineone.net/~martin.atkins/ada/aaatencommand.txt 按空格查看 // -------------------THE ASCII ART FAQ TEN COMMANDMENTS------------------- \\\\`/// / _ _| 1. Thou shalt read the FAQ. (\'('\/') 2. Thou shalt not remove the ______/( >(__ initials from any ASCII art. /`- \ \_=__| `\ 3. Thou shalt not claim ownership / /__( _____\ _____ of someone else's ASCII art. /_ \.____ ," "." ",__ 4. Thou shalt read the FAQ. | / _\__/_ - / \ 5. Thou shalt ask permission \/ /____ \ASCII ART FAQ /// before using someone else's ) / / \__\ - | ASCII art. '-.__|_/ ///| I VI | 6. Thou shalt not sell someone \_ | | | else's ASCII art. | | II VII | 7. Thou shalt read the darn FAQ. \ | | | 8. Thou shalt not post someone / | III VIII | else's ASCII art without making \ | | | clear that you didn't make it. \_ | IV IX | 9. Thou shalt not assume that \| | | ASCII art isn't art at all. | V X | 10. Thou shalt read the FAQing FAQ. |______b'ger______| -----------[Joris Bellenger, Colin Douthwaite, Matthew Thomas]---------- -- 一个要取得成功的人必须具备以下素质:能够容忍那些不能改变的事(“仁”);要有 勇气去改变那些能够改变的事(“勇”);要有智慧去区别上述两件事(“智”)。 《犹太法典》 ※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[FROM:]