GTV综合台 每周六 21:00 ▆◣
▁ ▊\ \._ \ ▋
▄▅▆▇▁▂◤ ▂=◥﹋﹏ ◢ˊ▉ ▊
◥_▁▊◢◢▁ 真凶是……? ▕▃▃/▄ ◤〧- ▆= ▄▍
▆ ▄▄ ▄▃=/▊ ▁▄▅▊▆ ◤ ▂/\ \\\▅▂▃\◣
▊ ◢ ▆◥▅▎◣▏ ▃▇▂▄◣=▏ ▄" ˋ〃 ◤▆=▃ ▏
◤▆▊▆▃▂◥◤ ▊▇◤◢▋◤ ▏ ▕▍ ▋\◥ ◣▁▂▅▎ ◤ㄧ/▎ =▄▎
▉▅▃◣◢◤▆ ◢▂◥▊▎ ▁ ◤▇﹒▅\ ▏ ▉▂ ▄▆"◤ ˋ
__▂▄" ▂▆▃ ▆▍ ▼ ◢▆▅▏ ` ◥=◤◥ ▎ / ◢∴._
◥▃▆ ▄◢ ▄▂_▃=▅▃◥ ◤▃/▋▋▁▂ \▂/ ▊ ▄_∵.
▉◣▍▊ ▄◥ \▉ ▕ ▊▄▇▆"╮▃◥ =▅▂﹋∟\
▊ ▍▋◥ ◤ ▃ ▉▍ {◥▏▎ .▂- ▄◥▎▄▂/▏
▊◢ ◤"▃/◢◣▉ ▉▎ ▎◥▅}▅▃▁▃▅◤▄◣◢▍
Bump ˙ / ▕▏ !▎ ▋◣▄▏▍{▋〃▇▆▅▇\▄◢◤▍"
﹉﹉﹉﹉ Off ! ▕ \ ◣◥▉▊ ˋ▇=◥■▼▆▄/ˊ"◤▂_
﹉﹉﹉ Lover ! ! 17 ◣`◣◣ __▅ ▁ ▁▂◢▄ˊ ▎/
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ◥◣▍ "▉▆▆▃▅▄◤▆▄◤"▍
◣ ◣\◥ ▋▅=▂ ▁▇ ▊▃/▎
By Amidamaru.◣ ◥\`◤-_▄"ˊ ◤◢ ▋▏
◣▋ ▎▼ ◤◢ ▊ ▋
______ 一个纯真的17岁少女 意外坠楼身亡 ◣ ◣▁▂◢_.▎
▕ 枫 ▏17岁双胞胎姊姊 却在寻找真相时 意外发现惊人秘密 ▅▅ ㄧ" ▉ ▉▍
▔▔▔ 17岁的夏天 所有美好青春 无预警地在刹那间结束…… .▎ ▎ ▋▊ ▉▊▎
Comprehensive channel every Saturday 21:00
The real murderer is
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By Amidamaru. "
An innocent 17-year-old girl accidentally fell to her death.
Feng, a 17-year-old twin sister, unexpectedly discovered an amazing secret while searching for the truth ㄧ"
In the summer of 17 years old, all the beautiful youth ended in an instant without warning.