发信人: reeding (0227·相忆相惜,为谁风露立中宵), 信区: ANSI
标 题: 奔月 二 justify(newsmth)
发信站: 日月光华 (2006年08月03日23:37:26 星期四), 站内信件
嫦娥:“我得扭一下 嗯 这样舒服一点儿了 。。。还有我的手 这样是不是好看点儿
\`︳ ︵╮ ▏ ╭⌒╮ ╭──⌒╮
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╭╯︳ ) ╭)) ╭╰╯ ) ╰╯╰─╯╰─╯╰──⌒╮ (⌒)
( \ \ 丿 ╯( ╰─╯╰╮⌒╮ ╭⌒╮⌒─┼──╮╰─╯╰
\ ╲╲_ㄨ╯ノ︵╮ / ╰╯╰╯╰⌒╮╰╯╭─┼─┼╮╰─╮⌒╮
\╮╲ (╰︶ ) ╭⌒╮╭⌒╯─╯╰╯╰╯ │ │╰╯ (╯)︶
▕╰ 乀︶︿╭︵╰︵ ╭⌒╮╰╭⌒╯ ╭⌒╮│ │╭⌒╮ ︶
╲ / \ (亻 ︶ ︶ ╰╯╰─╯ ╰╮( │ ╰╮─┤
╲ ︶ \╲ ╲ ╱ ╰╯╰╯ │─┤ ╭⌒
- _ \ ╲ ヘ﹀╮.-ˊ │ │╭╯ ⌒
ˋヘ -﹒ 卜 \ (リ ╭⌒╯⌒│╰⌒╮
\ \ \ \╲_ ╰─╮(╰⌒╮ )
╲ \ ▕^\( ( ╭⌒╮╰╯
ˋ-╲╰)╲ ﹒ . . . ︶ ╭╰╮╭
乀~ \ ˙.˙﹒ . ˙· .˙ · ˙ . ╰╮ )╮
/〉 \╮ · . · · ﹒˙﹒˙ .· . ·.﹒ ╰╯ ╯
╭⌒╮ ╰︳ ╭' ˙ .˙﹒˙.﹒· ﹒ ˙﹒ ˙·﹒ . ﹒ (⌒
( ╰╯ ╭╮ 丿︵ ) ╲ ˙. . ˙ ﹒ ˙ ﹒˙.. . .. · ╰╮
───╯ ╰─╯╯ ╭⌒╮\ \ 乁ヘ﹀︵ ˙﹒·﹒ · . ˙·˙. . ╰
╭╮╰────╯︵ )︳ ╭﹀╯︶ . ˙ .˙ . . ˙ ·
──╯╯ ╭⌒╮───╯ | 丿︵ 丿 . · ﹒ . ˙.·. . ..
justify ─╯⌒╯ ▕ ╭╯︶ · ˙.˙. .﹒ . ˙ ﹒.
。 · ˙ · . ___ ___ ___ ___
╭╮˙ 时光的河入海流终于我们分头走 没有哪个港口是永远的停留
(╰╮˙ . 。· ˙ ゜ . __ ﹒__ . .
)く ゜ .脑海之中有一个凤凰花开的路口 有我最珍惜的朋友 .
| ╲ ˙ ﹒ · ﹒ _ ゜ __° __。 .
|︵╯ 几度花开花落有时快乐有时落寞 很欣慰生命某段时刻曾一起度过 ﹒
※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[FROM:]
Sender: reeding 0227 Remembering each other and cherishing each other, for whom the wind and dew will stand in the middle of the night, message area: ANSI
Title: Flying to the Moon 2 justify newsmth
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua Thursday, August 3, 2006 23:37:26, site mail
Chang'e, I have to twist it. It's more comfortable. And my hand, doesn't it look better?
⌒ ⌒
⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
⌒ ⌒
丿 ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
ㄨ ノ ⌒ ⌒
⌒ ⌒
乀 ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
ヘ . ⌒
ヘ﹒ BU リ ⌒ ⌒ ⌒
^ ⌒
﹒ . . .
乀 . ﹒ . . .
.﹒ ﹒ . .﹒
⌒ ' . ﹒ .﹒ ﹒ ﹒ ﹒ .﹒ ⌒
丿 . . ﹒ ﹒ . .
⌒ 乁ヘ ﹒ ﹒ . . .
. .
⌒ 丿 . ﹒ . . ..
justify ⌒ . .﹒ .﹒
The river of time flows into the sea, and finally we part ways. No port stays forever.
゜ ﹒
く ゜ There is an intersection in my mind where phoenix flowers bloom. There are my most cherished friends.
﹒ ﹒゜
Flowers bloomed and fell several times, sometimes happy and sometimes lonely. I am very happy that we have spent a certain period of life together﹒
Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [FROM:]