_,,ÒÒÒ,,_ __ J$$$$$$$$$$$L __ __,, __ seKular17 __,,·· ;$$$$I,Öqq·, ``"/$$$$$$J$$$$$ ;$$$$L#·, ;$$$ ;$$$$$$ _,,ÒÒ,?$$$$?"?$L $$½½""?$$##··,$$$$?""?$L$$$,$$` $$I $$$$$$; J$$?`""?$$$$L,J$? __ I$$ I$QQ##;$$; ?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I$$ I$$I$$I I$$; ;$$$$$$$$$$$$ ?$ ;$$$? I$$I J$$??$L ;$$; J$?`;$$; ;$$;I$$ ;$$I ,J$$?$; J$?` ? '""½½#? ?$$LJ$$? '½? ?$I J$$$$$$$L,,J$? ;$$,,qq$$$,J$?½` $I J$$$$$ Ð`` '""` ``` '""` ??½½""''``` ""``` vlz$$$$ $$$$ news? no news. sorry for delay. i've been away from $$$$ the computer for a week. old guys do nothing, new guys $$$$ do the rest. that's it. i bet someone still has interest $$$$ concerning all this shit, but not me. i don't want to ÓÓ?#Ö, draw any more. this sucks. $L, ?L $$$L ;$; $$$? $I ?½` ÓÓ"""``` $$$$ members? they know themselves. $$$$ $$$$ sites? secular.da.ru $$$$ http://ok.novgorod.net/zmej (little and fast) $$$$ ?` _ $$; that's it for today. hope you'll see us next month. L·,` and huge thanks to all those people who still keep $$$L ? this group alive. really. $$$? J $?` ;$ $; J$ __,,,,, logo: vile(az) "``