untamed's pack 4 ansi compo..  lately, this guys applies to jasper (doxi), and he sends me these pics, which were pretty good.. he also sends me some shitty ascii type fonts which i pay no attention to, but after adding him to the members list (big mistake),  aesthetic and myself decided to review his art again and aesthetic tells me that the ascii fonts are ripped. so i take a second look at them, and im look 'woah, they are too'.. so anyhow,  this month, i decided to put this rip into this file, and you the viewer has a chance to tell me exactly what file name the source is from. ie the ansi it was ripped from. the first person to send an email to jetgtt18@hotmail.com with the correct answer wins.. what do they win bob? thats right, a wonderful ansi for your board, group or whatever. i know im not the best of artists, but hey.. its art ;) ßÜ ° ° ° ÞÛ±ÜÜ ± ± d!J ± ÜÜ Û²°Ûßß °Üþß ²Ü° ÜÜ° °Ü² ° Ü° Ü° Üß °Üþß ²Ü° Üܱ°ÛÛÜÜÜÛ²°Û °ÜÜÛ²²ÜÜÜÛ²±ÛÜÜ Û²Û²ÜÜÜßÛ°²ÜÜ Û²Û²Üܲ°ÛÛÝ ÜÜÛ²²ÜÜÜÛ²±ÛÜÜþß ßÛÛ°Û²ß ÞÛÛ±ÛÝ Û°±ÛÝ ß²°²±ÛÝ Þ±°ÛÝ ß²Û±±Û Þ±°ÛÝ Û°Û±Û Û°±ÛÝ ß²°²±ÛÝ Û°²Û ° ÛÛ²Û²Ü Û±°° ²þ ÛÛ°°ß Û°±Û ÞÜ Û²²Û ÝÛ°±Û Û±²²ßß ÝÛ±°° ²þ ÛÛ°°ßþ Þ°²±Ý °ÛÛÛÛ Û²Û° ß ßß ù °Û²Û Û² Û²ÛÝ Ý°Û²Û ßÛÛÜÜÜ ÝÛ²Û° ßÜÛßß úú Þ±²²Ý úú ±ÛÛÛÝú Û²°± ÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ ß²ÝÛ²ÛÝÞÝÛÛÛÛ Ý ±²Û°ÛÞÝÛ²°±Ü²ß ÜÜÜß Þ²²²Ýþß ²Û²Ûß ²Û±² Û°°²Ý ±°²Û þ± ÛÛ²ÝÞ ±°²Û ±Ý²Û²±ÛÞ ²Û±²Ý ßÛ°°²Ý ÞÛ²±Ý ±ÛÛÛ ² ±Û²Û ° ÞÛ±Û ²±±² ° ÛÛ±Û ²±±² ² ²Û±²Û ±Û²Û ° ÞÛ±Û ²° Þ²±ÛÝ ° °Û°Û ±Þ°²ÛÛ þú ÛÛ²Û ÞÛ²°± Û²°Û ÞÛ²°± Ý ±Û²²Ý Þ°²ÛÛ þú ÛÛ²Û ±ú Û°ÛÛ °Û±ÛÝ ßß±²² ß ²²Û² ßßÛÛ° ° °ÛÛÛÛ ßßÛÛ° ß²ÛÛ² ßß±²² ß ²²Û² °ú ܲßßßßþ ÞÛÛ²ßßß ±²Üܲßßß²Ü Û°Üܱßßß²Ü Û° R ßþ ±²Üܲßßß²Ü Ü²ß C Þ²ß Ûß O Û E Þ²ß þÜÜþß D ÞÝ ß ß ÞÝ ß P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s : ß