_,Úggg¿,__.,ÚgÚ,._ ,d$$$$$$$$$b, ,d$$$$$$$$$b, l$$$$$P""7$$l l$$P^^T$$$$$lkeroppi wearing the stylish ,`7$$$$bÚÚd$P',`T$b,,d$$$$P',japan tee shirt he got for ,d$b,`À+Y$Y+À',d$b,`À*l$l*À',d$b,volunteering to scrape gum ,d$$$$&@ggggg@&$$$$$&*mmmmm*&$$$$b,off the seats during the l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I1998 winter olympics in $$$$$$PÁüÁ7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$PÁüÁJ$$$$$nagano. the moral to this |$$P',+#$#+,`7$$$$$$$$P',g#$#g,`7$; story is you win stylish `7$l l$$$$$l $$$$$$$$$l l$$$$$l lP' tee-shirts if you volunteer _ `7b,`+#$#+', `7$$$$P' ,`ü#$#ü',d'_ to do janitor work. `7b, `À7bgggdl$b, `7P' ,d$lbgggd7À' ,dP' ,¿d$$b, ggggggg¿,`7b,__,dP',Úggggggg ,d$$b¿, `"7$$$$ l$$$$$$$$b,`""""',d$$$$$$$$; $$$$P"' ,d$$$$ I$$$$$$$$$$PÁ""Á7$$$$$$$$$$: $$$$b, `À^"7$ |$$$$$$$P',+#$$#+,`7$$$$$$$| $P"^À' ` `""""7$$l l$$$$$$l l$$P""""' ' l$$b,`+#$$#+',d$$I ;$$$$l@gggg@l$$$$$. :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$; SAUCE00keroppi / scrape / Nagano biftek Mistigris 19980211g