Elegy for Black Sheep Books a far cry from stargazing where, to observe free from the hegemony of those more luminous stars one must focus upon a patch of seemingly dim space to permit the appearance in peripheral vision of those subtler stars glimmering, glowering, guttering more coal than candle - no less brilliant, mind you, merely perplexed in penetration of the observer's polluted atmosphere; mere phantoms - look for them and they're not there instead, burning among the chapbooks front and centre you might be fortunate enough to have your attention wrested for a few brief eternities from you by a rope of language, words woven tight and strong. Your concentration slowly drawn in to the poet you could fix your gaze in surrender as all other sights fade to nothing, your universe reducing to a few perfect worlds in a few perfect words and those perfect mouths what called them into being (the skeptics among us might have credited the cosmic flickering to old wiring, fickle and perverse, and imps of inconstant sparks but we knew better.) One cannot know that which is not - onetime knowledge reduced to mere memory, the captivating creators consigned to fairy tales, stories and the apocryphal annals of folklore and fable scattered to the vagaries of anecdote like so much divine dust Come - the boldest stars swing now overhead, constellations whirling above us, needing no namers. My eyes and mouth grow dry, beard hanging heavily upon me and I grow weary; we have made our myth; now we must sleep in it.SAUCE00Elegy for Black Sheep Books Cthulu Mistigris 201410 3ã