[0;40;37m [24C[1mjune 2017 ������ m i s t i g r i s [0m[36C[1m�������� [0m[23C����[5C�����[1m� �� �[0m������ ��� [21C[1;30m� [0m����� ����� ������� ����������� [21C[1;30m�� [0m����������� ��� ������ ��� [1;30m� [0m����� [1;30m� [0m[21C[1;30m��[0m� ��� � ����������� �������� [1;30m� [0m��� [1;30m��� [0m[21C[1;30m��� [0m��� � ��� ��� �������� �������� [1;30m���� [0m[21C[1;30m����[0m���[10C������[6C��� [1;30m������ [0m[21C[1;30m��� [0m������� [1;30m� [0m������� ���� ������� [1;30m���� [0m[21C[1;30m��[0m���� ���� ��� ��� ��� ��� ���� [1;30m�� [0m[21C[1;30m��[0m[5C���� �� [1;30m�� [0m���[1;30m� [0m�� [1;30m� [0m����� [1;30m�� [0m[21C[1;30m� [0m����� ��� ��� [1;30m�[0m��� [1;30m�� [0m���� [1;30m����� [0m[24C��� ���� ������ �� ���� [24C������[19C����� [32CM[1;30memberl[0mistigris: Greetings, and welcome to the June 2017 Mistigris artpack. Currently serving: [1mNINE[0m consecutive monthly artpacks with no sign of slowing. Whaa? Hush, it's better you don't ask -- we barely understand ourselves. Now, purge that grandstanding from your mind and relish in the glory of that fine ANSI art "Mist 2017" logo you see above. A million thanks for that go to [1mBurps[0m from the recently-revived '90s artgroup [1mFuel[0m, winner of the 2017 [1mBlender[0m compo. We may be having no problem filling artpacks with outstanding creative works on a monthly basis, but coming up with our onetime bread and butter -- the very bones of a PC scene artpack, ANSI/ASCII art logos and iconography used to give the personal touch to an artgroup's infofiles and FILE_ID.DIZ -- are quite a bit more difficult to come up with in 2017. But thanks to guest appearances from our friends, we find a way to keep the old traditions alive. (And for much, much more from Burps, do check out the Fuel #21 artpack at [1mtextmod.es[0m ... it was well worth the wait!) So... what do you need to know about this artpack? [1mI'M GLAD YOU ASKED! [0mWhile assembling last month's, a theme emerged of teletext conversions of works of fine art. Well, this time around we pulled a 180 degree turn, and to counter our highbrow affectations four weeks ago, the big popular theme pervading the computer art collection this time around is... action figures from the popular [1mMasters of the Universe[0m line. That's right: for reasons I cannot adequately explain, we have [1mHe-Man[0m all over this artpack. For the first time in history a single artpack contains [1mmultiple[0m renditions of the heroic character "Ram-Man", the thick-helmeted, concussed, head-butting human battering ram. [1m Why? Basically, there is no good reason[0m, and you will sprain your thinker if you try to find one: one of our prolific artists (not going to name any names here, but as a side line he also managed to singlehandedly populate a third of the latest [1mBlocktronics [0martpack with [1mStar Wars[0m teletext) had laid away a certain stock of MOTU art, while another sporadic one somehow found his muse locked away inside Castle Greyskull and tapped into a strange vein of inspiration... it resonates with me in a strangely specific way, memories of my very first posts on underground BBSes asking about the peculiar smoothness with which He-Man's run cycle was animated... [1mbut I digress[0m. As our unnamed prolific artist likes to explore different facets of a theme before moving on, this artpack also contains smaller bunches of themed art celebrating [1mMonty Python[0m, the [1mHitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[0m, the [1mGuardians of the Galaxy[0m, and, well, our stable of artists continue generally to create art on the themes that are of personal interest to them, which I am pleased to say includes a satisfying quantity of [1mvideo game stuffs[0m. Also you see some top-notch works from [1mIllarterate[0m's teletext sub-curation of the recent [1mGlitch[0m art exhibition in Wigan, demonstrating what is possible when you're brave enough to set a theme and challenge artists to rise to meet it. (And concluding the teletext report, please note [1mLordNikon[0m's first attempt with the medium here in this artpack -- having conquered oldschool ASCII art and typewriter art, there's always some new novel fad textmode practice to investigate to keep things fresh. But it's hardly fair of me to put words in his mouth!) In addition to a wide array of works by old friends and recent acquaintances, this artpack also introduces a handful of artists to our audiences for the very first time! These include [1mAllan Macinnis[0m, [1mFugitivephilo[0m, [1mMr. Biffo[0m, and [1mMaze[0m... some of them we may hopefully see more from, and many of whom we most likely won't. Also, on a more sober note, we also bid [1ma fond farewell to Maeve Wolf[0m -- a Mist Classic original who has been travelling alongside us since our revival in 2014 well nigh non-stop until ... just this month. Her architectural painting practice, while fascinating to her old colleagues, has developed to the point where it has nothing to do with artscene styles -- and her painting career has also burgeoned to the point where she would prefer to have tighter personal control over her branding and the representation of her body of work. I highly recommend you do keep up with her ongoing creative activities at [1m@dashsharon[0m on Instagram, and... basically am kicking myself for not having made more extensive use out of her back catalogue of fascinating abstracts while I had the chance. But no regrets! Without any doubt, we drunk deep, even if we didn't quite manage to drain the well. Her Modern Mistigris appearances outweighed her Mist Classic sightings by ... quite a lot. Our unofficially affiliated [1mLiving Closet[0m reunion on May 20th was a small but inspiring function, involving a dozen or so patrons of the arts and featuring a number of characters you have grown to know and love from Mistigris artpacks: visual art, music and literature from [1mClaire Roberts[0m, [1mthe Mythical Man[0m, [1mCreideiki[0m (who gets bonus points for improvised [1mtelepoetics[0m), [1mRC Weslowski[0m, and even [1mCthulu[0m, mediating between the audience and a text adventure game he wrote. (No, not [1mKithe #14[0m.) You will be hearing more about this one in the weeks to come. In the meantime... [1mmistigris.org/LC [0mBreaking developments I learned too late to mention in the last infofile ([1;30mit's ironic: with annual artpacks there was never any point in even trying to be timely about mentions, but with monthly ones not only are you always behind the 8-ball of The Next Pack Upcoming, but also you feel, falsely, that you might be able to tap into everything everyone is doing in every given 30 day period. Not so, it turns out.[0m) -- yesterday (well, May 27) [1mbryface[0m tabled for the [1mVancouver Chipmusic Society[0m at the [1mVancouver Retro Gaming Expo [0mwith [1mUnicode[0m and [1mbase64[0m, doing God's work of chiptune outreach to randos (including their "[1mLearn LSDJ in Fifteen Minutes[0m" challenge!) with surprising success. It's a big splash among the like-minded, and more great bleeps and bloops may be rising to the surface locally because of it. (Which may, in turn, translate to more music in Mist packs -- something I'd like to happen again, if somewhat at odds from our present artpack-y incarnation.) Who's the only one out there hustling as extensively as bryface? ([1;30mI should disclaim, of course: these side events have no official Mistigris connection -- I'm not trying to take credit for their work, just trying to spread awareness of their related side-projects. Proceed![0m) Why, that would be [1mIllarterate[0m of course... due to the relentless pace set by some anonymous individuals, I can't call him "the hardest working man in teletext", but he certainly seems to be doing more than anyone to get that great crunchy 3-bit textmode art medium in front of outsiders in public spaces: a series of workshops and a teletext-themed escape room at [1mWigan STEAM[0m will be unfolding over this summer -- it's a whole course of events, running from June all the way through to September, and it would be sheer folly for me to attempt to encapsulate them all here in this infofile... but for the full scoop, check out the most recent update at [1mteletextart.co.uk [0mOK, we've passed 100 lines... it wouldn't be fair to expect anyone to read beyond this point, so let's wrap it up... we can resume the lectures next month, same time, same place! [1mMistigris 2017: getting out while we're ahead! 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