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But when else are we supposed to share our creations on the topic of love and romance? The artscene has enshrined an evergreen niche for images of grimacing noseless men brandishing firearms, but gentler emotions still have a hard time finding their footing here. So because there is no better time for it, we have plotted a course for February with our creators' works on themes of affection, intimacy, eroticism, and ... as close as many male artists get, the ambiguously objectifying celebration of the female form. But because the sum of it often doesn't quite amount to a satisfyingly substantial collection, this artpack is officially unthemed, meaning that we're bundling in other meritorious artwork we've been sitting on at least since our last unthemed artpacks in November and even August of 2019. We are supposed to be the champions of the outsiders, so just why is it we're having so much difficulty finding a place to release art that doesn't fit in anywhere else? Chalk it up to the tyranny of theme. That said, we're well on our way to a hundred images celebrating the whole spectrum from love to lust, ranging from fuzzy snuggles with Snoopy and the Care Bears to... well, whatever Spanish fly Jellica Jake is on is one hell of a ride, is all I'm going to say. These pieces will be segregated by filename from the rest of the unthemed art in this collection, a lusty foam you can skim from the top when you're in the mood. (And a hearty helping of unthemed art for when you're not feeling like passionate froth is something you necessarily want to consume.) Thanks to CoaXCable for providing the FILE_ID.DIZ artwork... we were debating some terrible ideas, hot and bothered ways of coaxing out the shape of the letter "M", when he swooped in with the artwork (what I like to frame as celebrating the love between a man and Deadpool) and explicitly staking a claim for the artpack's being officially unthemed. Maybe the theme is just confusion. (Maybe the theme is ALWAYS confusion???) Greetings to HUNDERPANZER (which never fails to delight, no matter how you translate it), who makes his debut here fulfilling a BBS logo request like it was 30 years ago, and to Mavenmob, making his first modern artpack appearance here after taking 22 years off for good behavior. He's still making art inflected by his time in the ANSI art trenches, and speaking of which -- hats off to Polyducks' pixelart guests Retroshark and Rhoq, jumping in to our networked Moebius ANSI art foxhole, still running up at psychosomatica.org (inquire for the password!), to see to what extent their virutal Lego skills translated to ANSI. Well met! There are a few further items of shop talk we could elaborate upon: in keeping with a venerable artscene tradition we just invented last year, our upcoming March MIST0320 artpack will be celebrating International Women's Day by again making space to highlight works by female creators in an artscene that has barely known any. It's been three decades of a wretched self-reinforcing bro-on-bro vicious cycle, but it's never too late to change direction. So if you know any women who make awesome art but would never otherwise venture into our toxic old boys' club (casually positions self between the reader and all the porny content in this month's artpack), please consider sending them our way. IWD is coming up, so we'll need to be getting that artpack together no later than the weekend of March 6th! Our first batch of prototype pin-backed button designs have at long last escaped from the mainframe and are on the wing, soon to meet computer art fans in the flesh and be attached to the straps of their courier bags. Stay tuned for our further adventures into the weird world of artscene merch! I promise you we will attempt to sell you some! Finally, though I always have to stress that we have no formal association with them, for the benefit of the locals around the vicinity of area code 604 I'd like to hype up some events the Vancouver Chipmusic Society are producing coming up! Feb 21st, a number of its regulars are performing at Game Over at Bash Fest; Feb 25th they'll be presenting a VGM showcase at Red Gate, and the latest in their series of Chip Labs educational sessions is coming up March 14th. (Speaking of events for the locals, there may be an underground computer artscene presentation from me upcoming at a local hackspace. Will keep you posted!) That is all for now, but fear not, you're never more than four weeks away from another patented Cthulu wall-'o-text. (Well, I guess next month the logorrhea duties will be foisted off on some unfortunate lady, but you get the picture.) Stay tuned! SAUCE00MIST0220 infofile Cthulu / CoaXCable Mistigris 20200213Þ*PdIBM VGA