[0;40;37m _+_[7C_______ _________ _______ _______ ______[8C__[5C_+_ [5C.[6C_ \_[5C\(___)_ \>____\[5C\__<\ __\_\ \_____./ \/[6C. [12C\\\ __(_\ \\_ \/ \_ _ \_ \\ ) \_ Y /+ [13C+_\______ \\ \) _ _ _\ __( \\ ___\\[5C\// [14C\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ ____ __\[5C\\ [12C__ \ \_\ \\ \\ \__\ \\ \\ \_\ \ \/ X \\. _ [12C\/ \:.[6C.\-->___\ .\ .:\\--->\________\/\ /\\ \\ \\ [12C====\_________\========\____\\=<zNr/dS!>==/.: /=\___\==== [5C. -:- we brake for nobody ------- ----------//____/--- -------:- . [5C: =__________________(( S i M P L E X ))___________________= : [5C.[5C_[58C_ . _ _____>>_________________) p r e s e n t s (__________________<<____ _ [5C:[69C: [20CDevil Slayer Raksasi The Netherworld RIP [31C(c) GlassesCatGames [7CFiles: 35x10.00MB[26CRelease date: 18/02/2022 [7CProtection: Steam[26CLanguage: MULTI _:_____________________________________________________________________:_ [5C:[69C: [5C.[5C_[18C_+ R E L E A S E +_[18C_[5C. _ _____>>_________________)[6Ci n f o[6C(_________________<<_____ _ [5C:[69C: [7CDevil Slayer - Raksasi is a top-down action game with [7Cprocedurally generated dungeons, profound roguelike elements, [7Cand intuitive soul-like fighting. It's a fair and challenging [7Cgame, dodging, timing, striking, you need to master them all to [7Cfight your way out of this cursed world. [7C____________________ [7C1. Unzip & Unrar. [7C2. Run SiMPLEX.exe for install. [7C3. Use the Shortcut or the exes for start the game. [7C4. Have Fun!!! [7CRipped: "Nothing" [7CRead this NFO properly! _:_____________________________________________________________________:_ [5C.[69C. [11C_[18C_+ R E L E A S E +_[18C_ _:_____>>_________________) n o t e s (_________________<<_____:_ [5C.[69C. [7CFor more info go to: [7Chttps://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1016600 _:_____________________________________________________________________:_ [5C.[69C. [7CCompetition is good, only if done with quality! [7CIn case we removed redistributables. [7CYou may need to download install the following: [7CCheck the "_CommonRedist\" directory (if it is included). [7C1. Don't forget to add an exception to your antivirus (if required) [7C2. Block all game executables in your firewall [7CSupport the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!! [5C.[69C. _ _____________________________________________________________________ _ [5C:[69C: [11C_[18C_+ S i M P L E X +_[18C_ _+_____>>_________________) g r e e t s (_________________<<_____+_ [9CCODEX - PLAZA - ACTIVATED - STEAMPUNKS - CPY - 0x0007 - DEVIANCE [13CSOULDRINKER - MYTH - DYNASTY - PARADIGM - COUNCIL - DYTEC SAUCE00 20230226n��Q�W������Amiga Topaz 2+��������