[0m[30;47m���--------------------------------------------------------------------------��ų�� Nitron Pack 2 - Mutual Assured Destruction ������ ������ Thanks for tuning into this humble pack - if the graphics look ������ a little funny, try adjusting the antenna position on your ������ reciever unit until the image becomes clearer. ������ ������ This pack jumps around stylistically, hence the name. 2022 was a ������ turbulent year for me in many ways, and that is probably ������ reflected in the ANSI I have made. Some of the pieces ������ are influenced by current events, others personal events ������ and some originate from the mind of the image AI ������ currently making waves in many artistic and other circles. ������ ������ To assuade any concerns, all ANSI/ASCII I create ������ is ultimately produced in the usual, painstaking, manual way ������ however as a technologist I make heavy use of generative and ������ various post processing techniques to produce the reference ������ images that some of my pieces are ultimately derived from - ������ exploring new computer based media techniques is something ������ i have always done, beginning with ANSI ������ ������ A special thanks to alterra, a relative new-comer to the scene, BBSing ������ and all of this. I do not think he had art packs in mind when he ������ sent me some ASCII doodles for my BBS, and I appreciate his willingess ������ to submit his art to this pack, and the 16c archive. ������ ������ We're happy you've found us, and hope you stay a while. ������ ������ Will there be a Nitron Pack 3? I don't know. This ������ pack was a lot of random things that I ultimately ������ wanted to share. Things feel a little ������ more focused these days. ������ ������ There is no map, we can only see where the road goes.. ������ ������ Page 1 ������--------------------------------------------------------------------------��ų�� ������ ������ NiTR0N / n1 ������ ������ Nitron began producing textmode art in 1993 on an IBM 8086 XT ������ ������ BBS: telnet.holdfastbbs.ca:2323 / web: holdfastbbs.ca ������ Instagram: _n1tr0n ������ ������ ������ ������ alterra / [alt] ������ ������ Alterra has been making ASCII on the PC since 2022, and BBS's on an ������ old e-reader. You can contact him at ������ aperture_science_laboritories@protonmail.com ������ ������ ������ ������ Holla's! ������ ������ Everyone keeping ANSI/ASCII & textmode alive in 2022, and hopefully 2023 ������ You know who you are because you are reading this ������ ������ 16c / blender / 67 / duo / fire / HPM / iMP / LaZ ������ Legacy / lbs / MiST / NHG / null / sauna / /)/\ ������ ������ And to those who helped me get my start ������ ������ AiR / VOiD / CoMA / GaMMA / BlUR / UNiON / iCE ������ ������ ������ Nitron [613] ������ 80x25/16 ������ ������ Page 2 ������--------------------------------------------------------------------------���SAUCE00 20230116|��P�K������IBM VGA���������������