Cthulu's initial draft of the Mistigris Computer Art License was a little confusing and had some tl;dr issues, so Polyducks has helpfully boiled it down to the following salient points: * The artist has full rights to their work. * Mistigris has rights to display their work. Now, here's where the rubber meets the road: * The work can be shared and stored by anyone on any digital platform, as long as correct attribution is given AND it is used solely as an appreciation of the art (not as a method to sell or promote other material). * For any other use, including print (please, no more NFT inquiries!), please contact the artist directly or via Mistigris at info@mistigris.org * To elaborate on that parenthetical NFT aside: nothing you see us sharing may be used in any blockchain-related technology, including NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space, without express permission by the creator. * Additionally, nothing you see us sharing may be used in any AI training datasets without express permission by the creator. * Yes, we're serious! SAUCE00Mistigris Computer Art License Cthulu and PolyducksMistigris 20221219V����������������������������������