a million suns?And what will you do in the rain of ash?I'll
draw the blinds and pull down the sash,And hide from the sight
of so many noons.But how will it be when the blinding flashDi
sturbs your body's close-knit meshBringing to light your lovely
bones?What will you wear in the rain of ash?I will go bare w
ithout my flesh,My vertebrae will click like stones.Ah. But wh
ere will you dance when the blinding flashSettles the city in
a holy hush?I will dance alone among the ruins.Ah. And what wi
ll you say to the rain of ash?I will be charming. My subtle sp
eechWill weave close turns and counter-turns-No. What will you
say to the rain of ash?Nothing, after the blinding flashChar
les Martin "Terminal Colloquy”