发信人: SuperSS (有心无花非本意,无心有花暗沧桑), 信区: ANSI
标 题: Re: 33:liu-long
发信站: 日月光华 (2004年04月01日13:17:48 星期四), 站内信件
┌┌─┐┬┐┌┬ ┌┐ ┌╮┌┐┬┐┬┐ ┌┐ ├┐┌┐┬┐┌─┐┬─┐
│ ┐││ │┌┬┴┐┌┼│┐│││ ┌┬┴┐│││┐│││ ┐│ │
┌└─┘╯┘╭┼┌╯ ╮╭┤└┘╯┘│┐┌╯ ╮╯ └┘╯┘└─┘╯─╯
┌──┬┐ │└──┘│├┌─┬┐╯│└──┘│ ┌─┬┐┌──┬─┐
│├──┼┤ ││ ││││├─┼┤│││ │││ ├─┼┤├──┼─┤
╰└──┴╯╰┴╰ ╯┘└└└─┴╯└╯╰ ╯┘╰┘└─┴╯└──┴─╯
溜 C1EF 琉 C1F0 榴 C1F1 硫 C1F2 馏 C1F3 留 C1F4
┌┐ ┐┌──┴─┐┌┌┬─┴┐┌╮╭─┌┐ ┌─┐ ┐ ─┐
┌─┴┬ ││┌─╯┬┐ │ ┌┼││││ │ │ ╯
│ │││┤└─┘╯┘┌┌╯ ╮╭┤││││┌──┴┬┐┌─┼──┐
│╭╯│││┌──┬┐ └───┘│├││││ │ ││
┌╯ ┘│┤├──┼┤││ │ │││└┤│┘ │ │ │├─╯
└┘╰┘ ┘└└──┴╯╰╰ ╯ ┘└└ ╯└ └─╯ ╰┘└─╯╰─┘
刘 C1F5 瘤 C1F6 流 C1F7 柳 C1F8 六 C1F9 龙 C1FA
┌─┼─┴┐ ┐ ┐├─┬├┬┐┌┬─┴┬┐
│┐┌ ┌┐ │ ╯ ┐ ─┐ ┌┐├──┐
└─╯└┴┘││┌┼─┐┌─┼──┐││└╮ ╯
┌┬──┬┐││ ││ ││ │╯├─┼┘
├┘┌┤ └╯ │├╯ │├─╯├┘ ─┼┘
└┴──┼┘ └╯╰┘└─╯╰─┘└ └─┴┘
聋 C1FB 咙 C1FC 笼 C1FD 窿 C1FE
+¨+ .+¨+。 ╭╮ + `˙.
。有些故事还没讲完ˇ ˇ . ╰╯ _˙
+ .+ + ╭╮那些心情在岁月中 ╭╮
¨+ .+·。+ 那就算了吧 ˇ。 ╰╯ .+¨ ╰╯
° ゜˙ `+˙ 已经难辩真假 ※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[F ROM:风·Missing]
Sender: SuperSS There is no intention, no intention, no intention, secret vicissitudes of life, message area: ANSI
Title: Re: 33:liu long
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua Thursday, April 1, 2004 13:17:48, site mail
slip C1EF liu C1F0 pomegranate C1F1 sulfur C1F2 distill C1F3 stay C1F4
liu C1F5 tumor C1F6 flow C1F7 liu C1F8 six C1F9 dragon C1FA
deaf C1FB throat C1FC cage C1FD hole C1FE
Some stories are not finished yet.
. those feelings in the years
. Then forget it .
゜ It’s hard to distinguish between true and false. Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [F ROM:风 Missing]