发信人: SuperSS (有心无花非本意,无心有花暗沧桑), 信区: ANSI
标 题: Re: 34区 C2A1-C2AC long-lu
发信站: 日月光华 (2004年04月01日13:19:30 星期四), 站内信件
┌┐├──┐ ─┐┌─╮ ┐ ┐┌╮ ┌┐┌ ┌╮ ┐┌ ┐┐ ┌ ┐ ┐
││╯╮┌╯ ┌─┼─┬┘ ┌┼└┼┬┘ ││┼┬─┘ └┼╰─├╯ ╰──├─╯
│╯──╯┘ ╭ │┌┼╯ │ ││┐ │╯││ ┐ ╭┤└┬┼┘ └─┬┼─┘
││├─┼┘ └─╯╯└╯ │ │││ ││││ │ │├└╯┘┘ └─╯┘─╯
├╯──┼┘ └──┼─┘ ╰┼ │┼╯ ├╯│┼─╯ ││└┼┬┘ └─┼─┬┘
└ ──┴┘ └──┴─┘ └╯└╯└╯ └ ╯└─╯ └└└┴╯┘ └─┴─╯┘
隆 C2A1 垄 C2A2 拢 C2A3 陇 C2A4 楼 C2A5 娄 C2A6
┐┌ ┐┐ ┌┬─┌┬╮ ┌┌───┐ ┌┐──┬┐ ┌─┼─┼┐ ├───┐
└┼╰─├╯ ─╮┐┌ │├───╯ ││┌┌┼┐ ┌──╮ ┌┴───┐
│└┬┼┘ └─┬┼─┘ ╰│──┬┘ │╯││││ ┌────┐ │ │
╭┼└╯┘┘ └─╯┘─╯ ╰│┌─┼┐ ││││╯┤ │ │ │ │
│└┼┬┘ └─┼─┬┘ │││┘├│ ├╯│└└╯ ├────╯ ├────╯
└╯└┴╯┘ └─┴─╯┘ └╯┘┘┘╯ └ └──┘ ╯ ╯
搂 C2A7 篓 C2A8 漏 C2A9 陋 C2AA 芦 C2AB 卢 C2AC
※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[FROM:]
Sender: SuperSS There is no intention, no intention, no intention, secret vicissitudes of life, message area: ANSI
Title: Re: Area 34 C2A1 C2AC long lu
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua Thursday, April 1, 2004 13:19:30, site mail
Long C2A1 Long C2A2 Long C2A3 Long C2A4 Floor C2A5 Lou C2A6
Hug C2A7 Basket C2A8 Leak C2A9 C2AA Lu C2AB Lu C2AC
Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [FROM:]