发信人: SpiritRain (妖精雨·荒唐的2006), 信区: ANSI
标 题: ascii作图入门:AnsiEditor篇(lololing@smth)
发信站: 日月光华 (2007年01月08日15:37:07 星期一), 站内信件
○ . . .
╭╮ ●
╟╢ ╭╮╭╮ · ★ .
. ║║ ╰╮║ ╖ ╖ 作 ○ . .
╯╰-╰╯╰╯ ╨ ╨ 图
. . .
. ● .
. . . .
. ● 入 ○ ●
. .
. 门 . ○
. . . .
. . AnsiEditor篇
. . ●
○ . . BY: lololing ●
. . .
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
1. ASCII编辑 —— AnsiEditor 2.03
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
2. 图像处理 —— MS Paint / Photoshop 7.0
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
3. 图符转换 —— Bmp2Ascii 012
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
╭ ────────────────────────────────────
Page 1.
┆ ┆ _ _
AnsiEditor 简介 / \ _ __ ___ (_) ┌──┐
/ _ \ | '_ \ / __| | | 文本编辑器 │ansi│
/ ___ \ | | | | \__ \ | | ───── │Edit│
/_/ \_\ |_| |_| |___/ |_| AnsiEditor └──┘
作者: cigarette
ansieditor提供了一系列的贴心功能,使人们制作ascii art
有如使用ms paint一样简单。
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 工具箱
工具箱 位于界面右侧。
↖ 指针 定位;选定; █ 画笔 选定某字符后
移动 (Ctrl+P) ▼ 拖动作画 (Ctrl+D)
油漆桶 点击后相同
◢◤ 橡皮擦 拖动清除 ヅ◆ 底色将被填充为当前
▆ 所经区域 (Ctrl+E) 底色 (Ctrl+W)
格式刷 拖动使所经
〆▄ 吸管 取得当前点 彡▊ 区域属性变为当前属
的颜色 (Ctrl+I) 性 (Ctrl+F)
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 工具箱
█ 加亮 选择区域后 █ 变暗 选择区域后
使用 使用
<═> 水平翻转 选择区 ║ 垂直翻转 选择区
域后使用 ∨ 域后使用
〾⿹ 显示/隐藏特殊 ▼ 选择特殊字符集
字符框 (Esc)
Page 4.
┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 调色板
■ 左键选择前景色 (Ctrl+Num,Ctrl+Shift+Num)
右键选择背景色 (Ctrl+Alt+Num)
调色板 位于界面下方。调色板用来设置当前前景色与 ┌■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■┐
背景色,在选中之后点击还同时设置该选中区 │ │
域的对应前景(背景)色为当前选取的颜色。 └■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■┘
◆ 当设为前景透明后,随后的文字录入将不会改写原光标处的前景色。
◆ 当设为背景透明后,随后的文字录入将不会改写原光标处的背景色。
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 文字录入
编辑->录入 录入一般性的文字,主要是使用键盘,
□ 插入 (Insert) ansieditor默认的是改写方式编辑。即如果当前位置有一个字
□ 竖排 (Ctrl+T) 默认情况下,输入一个字符则光标向右移动一位;不过你可以
特殊的F4键 录入时按下F4即可再次输入前面录入时录入的最
删除 按del或backspace可删除当前或光标前一个字符;
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 特殊字符
特殊字符框 在ansieditor里,录入特殊字符可用特殊字符框
~ ︳ ▁ ╒ ╤ ╕ ╓ ╥ ╖ ┍ ┯ ┑ ┎ ┰ ┒ ╁ ┽ ▲
〾⿹ 显示/隐藏特殊 ■
字符框 (Esc) ▏ ▂ ╞ ╪ ╡ ╟ ╫ ╢ ┝ ┿ ┥ ┠ ╂ ┨ ┾ ╀
▎ ▃ ╘ ╧ ╛ ╙ ╨ ╜ ┕ ┷ ┙ ┖ ┸ ┚ ╆ ╅
▍ ▄ ┌ ┬ ┐ ╔ ╦ ╗ ┏ ┳ ┓ ↖ ↑ ↗ ╄ ╃
▌ ▅ ├ ┼ ┤ ╠ ╬ ╣ ┣ ╋ ┫ ← ╳ → ╈ ╉
▋ ▆ └ ┴ ┘ ╚ ╩ ╝ ┗ ┻ ┛ ↙ ↓ ↘ ╊ ╇
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 特殊字符
▉ █ ◢ ◣ ╭ ╮ ╱ ﹨ ┞ ┦ ┶ ┵ ┡ ┩ ┺ ┹ ▲
▼ 选择特殊字符集 ﹉ ﹍ ﹊ ﹎ ▔ | ¦ ㄧ ︱ ‖ ︴ _ ― - – ﹣
♀ ♂ ∈ ⊥ ∥ ⌒ ± + ﹢ - × ÷ / \ ⊕ ☉
AnsiEditor1.0 ﹝ ﹞ 『 』 ≦ ≧ ‘ ’ ˊ ˋ ‵ ` ′ ' ▓ ⊿
────────── へ ヘ 乀 ㄟ 乁 丿 丄 丅 巛 巜 ㄍ 彡 ミ ッ ツ ヅ
常用符号 〾 ⿰ ⿱ ⿲ ⿳ ⿴ ⿵ ⿶ ⿷ ⿸ ⿹ ⿺ ⿻
字母数字 在特殊字符框中,可以点击框右方的按钮,根据弹出菜单
特殊汉字 来选择自己最熟悉或觉得最方便的字符排列方式。
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 特殊字符
ぁ あ ぃ い ぅ う ぇ え ぉ お か が き ぎ く ぐ ▲
智能推荐字符 ゑ を ん ゛ ゜ ゝ ゞ ァ ア ィ イ ゥ ウ ェ エ ォ
ansieditor2的新功能之 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ A B C D
然后点击右键。 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 K L M N O P
■ ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ ㄓ ㄔ
↖ ◣ ■
■ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ
〡 〢 〣 〦 〧 〨 〩 々 钅 釒 勹 犭 儿 氏 癶 亻
则推荐字符将为:═ ╦ ╗ ╕ ╛ ╝ ╬ ╣ ╡ ╩ ╤ ╧ ╪
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 光标移动
编辑->光标移动 任何文字录入操作均是对当前光标
用4个箭头键时,按住ctrl可以加速移动。 Insert Home PageUp
非选定状态下,在工作区任意地方点击左键 Delete End PageDown
← ↓ →
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AnsiEditor 剪贴板
编辑->剪贴板 ansieditor拥有强大的数据交换能力。
特殊复制 默认情况下,按^C复制的是ansi文本。
特殊粘贴 ansieditor支持的特殊粘贴,即忽略掉
注:ansieditor只承诺与cterm与qterm(for win)交换数据时提供最好的ansi支持。
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AnsiEditor 选定拖动
选定 用鼠标拖动来选定,或按^A来全选。
粘贴后自动选定 ansieditor有一个这样的选项,如果
拖动 选定之后在选定区域上按下左键不放,
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AnsiEditor 画笔
编辑->画笔 画笔工具可以让你自由涂鸦,
█ 一、选择画笔工具 选定某字符后拖动作画。
□ 闪烁(Ctrl+B)
填充 二、填入作画元字符
■ □ 反色(Ctrl+R)
等ansi属性 □ 下划线(Ctrl+U)
默认字体 宋体
上面的步骤完成之后、就可以开始作画了。 黑体
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AnsiEditor 橡皮擦
编辑->橡皮擦 橡皮擦可以快速清除文本。
◢◤ 首先在工具箱里选择橡皮擦工具,
▆ 选中之后鼠标形状变为一个橡皮擦。
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AnsiEditor 油漆桶
编辑->油漆桶 油漆桶可以快速填充区域(同一背景)的背景色
ヅ◆ 首先在工具箱里选择油漆桶工具,
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AnsiEditor 格式刷
编辑->格式刷 格式刷桶可以快速设置文本属性。
彡▊ 首先在工具箱里选择格式刷工具,
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AnsiEditor 加亮/变暗
编辑->加亮/变暗 加亮/变暗即批量更改选定区域的高亮属性
┆█ ┆
┆ █┆ █ 首先选定一块区域,只有在选定状态加亮
└┄┄┘ 加亮 与变暗按钮才是可用的。
┆█ ┆
┆ █┆ █ 然后点击加亮/变暗按钮,即可设置选定区
└┄┄┘ 变暗 域为高亮/不高亮
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AnsiEditor 文字翻转
上 水平 上 编辑->文字翻转 文字翻转顾名思义就是倒置文本的方向。
左 右 右 左 选定一块区域,只有在选定状态两个翻转按钮才是可用的。
<═> 选定后点击按钮即可对选定区域的文本进行水平/垂直翻。
下 下
智能翻转 当在选项设置那里把“智能翻转”打上勾以后,
∧ 翻转时即启用智能翻转。
║ 垂直
∨ 翻转 ┌─────┐ 水平 ┐─────┌ ┌─────┐
│█████│ ──→ │█████│ │█████│
下 │█ ┤ 翻转 非┤ █│ ├ █│
│█████│ 智│█████│ 智│█████│
左 右 │█ ┤ 能┤ █│ 能├ █│
原│█████│ 翻│█████│ 翻│█████│
上 图└─────┘ 转┘─────└ 转└─────┘
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 文字替换
编辑->文字替换 文字替换跟一般的文本编辑器的文本替换
替换 ? ×
查找[N]: ███████ 替换[R] 虽然是很简单的一个功能,但在某些场合下
替换为[P]: ███████ 取消
■区分大小写 在选定状态下,替换只影响选定区域内的文
编辑->撤销/重做 ansieditor支持无限次的undo/redo。
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AnsiEditor 无缝查看
无缝查看 色块图在Term里看起来经常会裂开,这是字体的问
◆ 图形。
◢ ◣
▂▃▂ ◥ ◤ ▂▃▂ ansieditor把缩小窗口的功能集成起来,并命名为
◢◤▆▅▂▅ ▅▂▅▆◥◣ “无缝查看”。同时,缩小之后如果没有人工去改
▉ ▍ ▉ ▉ 变窗口大小,还可以恢复原窗口大小。
▎ ▂ ▊ ▂ ▎
◥▎▕ ▍ ▊ ▎ ▏▊◤ 按快捷键F11即可方便的切换为无缝查看与原尺寸
◣ ◥▎▍ ▉ ▊◤ ◢ 窗口。
▕ ▇ ▇ ▏
显示网格 便于精确定位。可自定义网格的线型与颜色。
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 快捷键
快捷键 工具 组合字编辑器 F8
选项 F6
光标 左移 ←
右移 →
上移 ↑
下移 ↓
到行首 Home
到屏幕左上角 Ctrl_Home
到行末 End
到屏幕右下角 Ctrl_End
到第一行的当前列 PgUp
到最后一行的当前列 PgDn
到下一行行首 Enter
下移 Ctrl_Enter
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┆ ┆
AnsiEditor 快捷键
快捷键 编辑 撤销 Ctrl_Z
重做字编辑器 Ctrl_Y
最后一个字符 F4
复制 Ctrl_C
剪切 Ctrl_X
粘贴 Ctrl_V
删除 Del
全选 Ctrl_A
全部清除 Ctrl_L
替换 Ctrl_H
导出 F12
上下文菜单 鼠标右键
智能字符 Ctrl_鼠标右键
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AnsiEditor 快捷键
快捷键 文件 新建 Ctrl_N
打开 Ctrl_O
保存 Ctrl_S
查看 切换显示网格 Ctrl_G
切换无缝显示 F11
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. 。 ◢ .
┆ ┆ ▅▆▆▃▆ . ●.
This is AnsiEditor . ▆◤ ◢◤ ▄▁ 。 。
. ◢ ▄◤ ◣ .
◢◤▆ ◣ ▆ ▊ ◢▏
◤ ◢◤▍ ◣▍ ▕◢▇ ▏
◢▆▆ ◥ ▆▆◤
说明: ▆ ▉ ◣◥ ◤
。 . ▊ ▆ ▏
本教程根据AnsiEditor .. ◥ ▁▁▄
自带的帮助文件编写。 . ▊ ▊
. ◣▆▆▅ . .
◢ ▊ . .
。 . 。 ◢ ▊ 。 ●
. ▏ ▁▃ ◣ ▁ .
● . . ▉ ◤ ◥ ◣▄
.● ▊ ▍ . ◥ ▏
。. ▍ ◤ . ▇▇▆▆ ▍
▁◢ ▍ . ▎
. ◥▁▂ ▍. lololing@smth ▇
※ 来源:·日月光华 bbs.fudan.edu.cn·[From: 青 ]
Sender: SpiritRain Fairy Rain Ridiculous 2006, message area: ANSI
Title: Introduction to ascii drawing AnsiEditor lololing@smth
Sending site: Sun and Moon Guanghua January 8, 2007 15:37:07 Monday, site mail
. . .
. do . .
. . .
. .
. . . .
. enter
. .
. Door .
. . . .
. . AnsiEditor
. .
. . BY: lololing
. . .
Software list
1. ASCII editing AnsiEditor 2.03
2. Image processing MS Paint Photoshop 7.0
3. Icon conversion Bmp2Ascii 012
Page 1.
Introduction to AnsiEditor
' text editor ansi
Author: cigarette
ansieditor is a text editor that supports ansi information
Ansi information is a series of control codes used to set the color of text
Fonts and other attributes. The BBS site is colorful because of the ansi text.
For many BBS users, they need to create an enviable and beautiful signature file.
It is their best wish. However, there are various inaccuracies in directly inputting the ansi control code.
Then ansieditor appeared
Ansieditor provides a series of thoughtful functions that enable people to create ascii art
As easy as using ms paint
Page 2.
AnsiEditor Toolbox
The toolbox is located on the right side of the interface
Pointer Position Select Brush After selecting a character
Move Ctrl P Drag animation Ctrl D
Paint Bucket Same as click
Eraser Drag to clear ヅ The background color will be filled with the current
Area passed Ctrl E Background color Ctrl W
Format Painter Drag to move
Eyedropper Gets the current point 彡The area attribute changes to the current attribute
Color Ctrl I Sex Ctrl F
Page 3.
AnsiEditor Toolbox
Highlight after selecting an area Darken after selecting an area
use use
< > Flip selection area horizontally Flip selection area vertically
Use after domain Use after domain
character set
Show Hide Special Select special character set
Character box Esc
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AnsiEditor palette
Left click to select the foreground color Ctrl Num,Ctrl Shift Num
Right click and select background color Ctrl Alt Num
Palette Located at the bottom of the interface, the palette is used to set the current foreground color and
Background color: Clicking after selection also sets the selected area.
The corresponding foreground and background color of the domain is the currently selected color.
You may have noticed that the last column has small images of the two monitors instead of colors.
The upper and lower icons represent transparent background and transparent foreground respectively.
When the foreground is set to transparent, subsequent text input will not overwrite the foreground color at the original cursor.
When the background is set to transparent, subsequent text input will not overwrite the background color of the original cursor.
Page 5.
AnsiEditor text entry
Edit > Entry Enter general text, mainly using the keyboard
Its operation is similar to that of a general text editor
Insert ansieditor defaults to editing in rewrite mode, that is, if there is a word at the current position
If you enter another character, the original character will be overwritten.
You can set the insert mode to automatically shift subsequent characters
Vertical Ctrl T By default, entering a character moves the cursor one position to the right, but you can
Set the vertical mode for input. Enter a word in the vertical mode.
The cursor moves down one position
Special F4 key: Press F4 during typing to re-enter the last key entered during typing.
the next word
Delete Press del or backspace to delete the current character or the character before the cursor.
If you select an area and press del, the entire area will be deleted.
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AnsiEditor special characters
Special character box. In ansieditor, you can use the special character box to enter special characters.
to select and insert
show hide special
Character box Esc
Page 7.
AnsiEditor special characters
Select special character set ㄧ ﹣
Default character set
AnsiEditor1.0 ﹝ ﹞
Commonly used combining characters
へ ヘ 乀 ㄟ 乁 丿 丄 丛 巜 ㄍ 彡 ミ ッ ツ ヅ
all symbols
Common symbols
Japanese, Russian and Greek
phonetic unit
Alphanumeric In the special character box, you can click the button on the right side of the box to follow the pop-up menu
Special Chinese characters to choose the character arrangement that you are most familiar with or find most convenient.
Page 8.
AnsiEditor special characters
ぁ あ ぃ い ぅ う ぇ え ぉ お か が き ぎ く ぐ
Intelligent recommended characters ゑ を ん ゛ ゜ ゝ ゞ ァ ア ィ イ ゥ ウ ェ エ ォ
One of the new features of ansieditor2 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ IV V VI VI Ⅷ IX X Ⅺ Ⅻ
1. Press Ctrl while editing
Then right click
ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ ㄍ ㄎ ㄏ ㄐ ㄑ ㄒ ㄓ ㄔ
Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ
The recommended characters are dynamically updated based on the context. For example, the character before the cursor is " "
then the recommended characters would be
Page 9.
AnsiEditor cursor movement
Edit > Cursor movement Any text input operation is based on the current cursor
in terms of location
Ansieditor's cursor movement is convenient and flexible
Each cursor key can be used to move the cursor
When using the 4 arrow keys, hold down ctrl to speed up the movement. Insert Home PageUp
In unselected state, left-click anywhere in the workspace Delete End PageDown
Position the cursor at the mouse position
For detailed keyboard settings, please refer to the Shortcut Keys section.
Page 10.
AnsiEditor clipboard
Edit > Clipboard ansieditor has powerful data exchange capabilities
You can basically use Term that supports color copy except
Supported by windows except telnet. Direct copy.
ansi text and paste it into ansieditor
Pasting from ansieditor is just as easy
Special copy: By default, pressing ^C copies ansi text.
ansieditor provides copying as plain text i.e. without
ansi format and copy to Html
Special paste. The special paste supported by ansieditor is ignored.
Certain ansi attributes can be used to paste in some cases
to greatly improve editing efficiency
Note Ansieditor only promises to provide the best ANSI support when exchanging data with cterm and qterm for win.
Page 11.
AnsiEditor selected drag
Edit>Selected Drag
Select Drag with mouse to select or press ^A to select all
After selection, any
Operations will apply to the entire selected area
Automatically selected after pasting ansieditor has such an option if
If you check the box, the text will be pasted after each paste.
automatically selected
Drag After selecting, press and hold the left button on the selected area.
Then move the mouse to move the selected area
Page 12.
AnsiEditor Brushes
Edit > Brush The brush tool allows you to doodle freely
Draw abstract and personalized patterns
1. Select the brush tool, select a character and drag the animation
Flash Ctrl B
Fill 2 Fill in the painting metacharacters
Invert color Ctrl R
3. Set the color and flash
Wait for ansi attribute Underline Ctrl U
Default font Song Dynasty
After completing the above steps, you can start painting.
regular script
While working, hold down the left mouse button and drag to draw a trail of metacharacters.
Page 13.
AnsiEditor Eraser
Edit > Eraser Eraser can quickly clear text
First select the eraser tool in the toolbox
After selection, the mouse shape changes to an eraser.
Then you can start erasing
Press and hold the left mouse button in the workspace and drag
Erase the text that the mouse passes over
Page 14.
AnsiEditor paint bucket
Edit>Paint Bucket The paint bucket can quickly fill an area with the background color of the same background.
ヅ First select the paint bucket tool in the toolbox
After selection, the mouse shape changes to a paint bucket
Select a new background color and determine the area you want to fill.
Click the left mouse button in the area to set all the backgrounds of the area to
new background color
Page 15.
AnsiEditor Format Painter
Edit > Format Painter The Format Painter bucket can quickly set text properties.
彡 First select the Format Paint tool in the toolbox
After selection, the mouse shape changes to a brush
Then set the color, blinking and other ansi attributes
Finally, you can start formatting the text
Press and hold the left mouse button while working and drag
You can set all the properties of the text that the mouse passes over.
is the current property
Page 16.
AnsiEditor brighten darken
Edit>Lighten Darken Brighten Darken means batch change the highlight attributes of the selected area.
First select an area and only highlight it in the selected state
The highlight and dim buttons are available
Then click the highlight and dim buttons to set the selected area
Darken the field to highlight Not highlight
Page 17.
AnsiEditor text flip
Up Horizontal Up Edit > Text Flip Text flip, as the name suggests, is to invert the direction of the text.
Left Right Right Left Select an area. The two flip buttons are only available in the selected state.
< > After selecting, click the button to flip the text in the selected area horizontally or vertically.
next next
Smart Flip When you check Smart Flip in the option settings
Enable smart flip when flipping
flip horizontal
down flip non
left right can can
original translation
Above picture turn turn
Page 18.
AnsiEditor text replacement
Edit > Text replacement Text replacement is the same as text replacement in general text editors
no big difference
Replace ?
Search [N]: Replace [R] Although it is a very simple function, in some cases
Still very useful
Replace with [P]: Cancel
Case sensitive. When selected, replacement only affects text within the selected area.
Replace text in the entire workspace when not selected
Edit > Undo Redo Ansieditor supports unlimited undo redo
Page 19.
AnsiEditor seamless viewing
Seamless viewing. Color block diagrams often look cracked in Term. This is a font problem.
Question: By narrowing the window to a certain program, you can see the seamless
ansieditor integrates the function of shrinking the window and names it
Seamless viewing and at the same time, if there is no manual modification after zooming out,
Change the window size and restore the original window size
Press the shortcut key F11 to easily switch to seamless viewing and original size.
Display grid for precise positioning. Customizable grid line style and color.
Press ^G to quickly switch whether to display the grid or not
Page 20.
AnsiEditor shortcut keys
Shortcut Key Tool Combination Word Editor F8
Option F6
Cursor left
Move right
Move up
move down
Go to the beginning Home
Go to the upper left corner of the screen Ctrl Home
To the end of the line End
Go to the lower right corner of the screen Ctrl End
to the current column of the first row PgUp
Current column to last row PgDn
Go to the beginning of the next line Enter
Move down Ctrl Enter
Page 21.
AnsiEditor shortcut keys
Shortcut keys Edit Undo Ctrl Z
Redo the word editor Ctrl Y
Last character F4
Copy Ctrl C
Cut Ctrl X
Paste Ctrl V
Delete Del
Select all Ctrl A
Clear all Ctrl L
Replace Ctrl H
Export F12
Context menu right mouse button
Smart character Ctrl right mouse button
Page 22.
AnsiEditor shortcut keys
Shortcut keys File New Ctrl N
Open Ctrl O
Save Ctrl S
View Toggle display of grid Ctrl G
Toggle seamless display F11
Page 23.
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This is AnsiEditor.
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This tutorial is based on AnsiEditor..
Compilation of built-in help files.
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. . lololing@smth
Source: Sun and Moon Guanghua bbs.fudan.edu.cn [From: Qing]