◎《鸣蝉ASCII Art入门 卷三》 砌 砖 哲 学
Outline: Ⅰ 堆叠 Ⅱ 纵横线条 Ⅲ 虚幻之线 Origin from: Tolo Note
│Ⅰ 堆 叠 │
▆▆ ASCII Art Design,与其说它是〔画〕ASCII图,
▆▆ ▆▆ ▆▆ 还不如说是〔盖〕ASCII图。
▆▆ ▆▆ ▆▆ 就像堆砖块一样,我们将一块块的零件(符号),
▆▆ ▆▆ ▆▆ █ ▆▆ 叠到合适的位置,愈叠愈多,
▆▆ ▆▆ ▆▆ █ ██ █ ▆ 然后逐渐〔盖〕出一个作品来。
◣ 简单的鱼形,不外乎是身体宽大、往头部缩小、再加一条尾鳍。
◣█◣ 所以,我们利用直角三角形与最大实心方块,
◤█◤ 做出一小一大的等腰直角三角形,
◤ 也就是尾鳍与鱼身。如左图所示。
◣ 。 稍作改变,挖掉了一个方块,但是鱼形仍在,
◣ ◣ 接著又用中文句号,画出小小的气泡。
◤ 一只可爱的热带鱼就完成了。
我们可以对这个鱼形多做一些变化∶(最后一只好像旋转90度的spade。 ^^")
◣ ◣ █◣
◣██◣ ◣▅█◣ ◣██◣
◤██◤ ◤██◤ ◤██◤
◤ ◤ █◤
~ ~
~◣ ~。~ 添加许多〔~〕符号,营造在水里的感觉。
~◣ ◣。 虽然我多加了一些颜色码装饰,
◤█◤~ ~ 不过,构成图形的基本符号都很单纯。
~~ ~ ASCII图主要构成的两个元素∶符号 & 颜色码
~ ~~◣ ~~ 本卷著重在符号堆砌的部分,
~ ◣ ◣。 读者如果还不会使用颜色码,没有关系的,
~ ~ ◤█◤~ 下卷就会教大家怎么用了。
~~◤~ ~~ ~
\\\/// ███
\\// ║╲ │ │
■ 羽毛球 ║╲ ██ ∩_∩
║ ◥◤ Zzz..(-.-)ζ
◆ ● 十六分音符 ╱╲ (____) 睡鼠
╱ ╲ │∶│
◆ - ◆ ██
╲ ╱ ███ 沙漏
■ 棒球场内野
小写的zeta居然成了小老鼠的尾巴,想不到吧~ ^-^
│3 ││4 ││5 ││6 ││7 │
│ ◆ ││◆ ◆││◆ ◆││◆ ◆││◆ ◆│
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ◆ │
│ ◆ ││ ││ ◆ ││◆ ◆││◆ ◆│
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
│ ◆ ││◆ ◆││◆ ◆││◆ ◆││◆ ◆│
│ 3││ 4││ 5││ 6││ 7│
└───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘└───┘ 同花顺
: ◢███◣'
. ◢█◤ ◥█◣ `
˙ ██ ' . ◥█
◤◥Sco. █.
· █
. ' :◢██》》》》█
· ◢█◤ █████▌
██ ● ████◤
, ` ◤◥ ●████ '
. ◢█》》》》
' . ◥███◤ ˙
◢█◤ . ` '. 天 蝎
嗯,够多了。在看过这些作品之后,读者可以动手创作看看了。 :)
│Ⅱ 纵横线条 │
◆ 各式表格
线条绘图最常使用的场合,就是画表格∶ // 以下范例请自行扩大延伸
┌───┐ ╔═══╗ ╭───╮
│ │ ║ ║ │ │
│ │ ║ ║ │ │
│ │ ║ ║ │ │
└───┘ ╚═══╝ ╰───╯
═════ ----- ╔ ╗
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
═════ ----- ╚ ╝
╔═══╗ ╔ ╗ ═════
╟───╢ ║---║ ─────
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
╚═══╝ ╚ ╝ ═════
阴影效果 纸张翻页
╔═══╗ ╔═══╗
║ ╟┐ ║ ║
║ ║│ ║ ║
║ ║│ ║ ◤
╚╤══╝│ ╚══
╔╤╤╤╗ ┌┬┬┬┐ ╳│○│╳
╟┼┼┼╢ ├┼┼┼┤ ─┼─┼─
╟┼┼┼╢ ├┼┼┼┤ │○│○
╟┼┼┼╢ ├┼┼┼┤ ─┼─┼─
╚╧╧╧╝ └┴┴┴┘ │╳│ Tic-Tac-Toe
╟┼○●┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼╢ Go
有时候看到别人使用半形的underscore, vertical bar来画表格,
| | 用半形特殊符号画出来的表格,
|----------| 给人的感觉比较粗糙。
| | 而且它的零件过细,依笔者的经验,
| | 很容易被打乱掉,不易维护。
◆ 赛程表
做出既整齐又华丽的赛程表,让参赛者感觉得到主办单位的用心。 ^^
A 1st ───┐
B 2nd ───┘ │
C 2nd ───┐ │ │ │
├──┘ │ │
D 1st ───┘ │
季军 ├── ※冠军※
C 1st ───┐ │
├──┐ │ │
D 2nd ───┘ │ │ │
A 2nd ───┐ │
B 1st ───┘
2002 FIFA WorldCup
A1 丹 麦 ══┐0 ★冠军:巴 西★ 3 1╔══ 西班牙 B1
╔══┐ 亚军:德 国 ┌══╝
F2 英格兰 ══╝3 │1 3 0│ 2 1└══ 爱尔兰 E2
╔══╗ ╔══╗
H2 比利时 ══┐0 ║2 ║ ║ 5 0║ 1┌══ 义大利 G2
╔══╝ ║ ║ ╚══╗
C1 巴 西 ══╝2 ║1 0║ G 2╚══ 南 韩 D1
╚═2 0═╗
F1 瑞 典 ══┐1 │0 1║ 1╔══ 德 国 E1
╔══┐ ╔═3 2═║ ╔══╝
A2 塞内加尔 ══╝2 G │0 ║ ║ 1║ 0└══ 巴拉圭 B2
╔══╝ ╚══╝
C2 土耳其 ══╗1 ║1 G 季军:土耳其 0│ 2╔══ 美 国 D2
╚══╝ 殿军:南 韩 └══╝
H1 日 本 ══┘0 0└══ 墨西哥 G1
│Ⅲ 虚幻之线 │
圆? A piece of cake!我可以给你一大堆〔。 o oο 0 O O 0 ○〕
什么?不是呀?是要实心的吗?我也有很多〔 . · · · ˙ ● 〕
呵~好了,以上只是开玩笑的。 :p
在ASCII Art所能及的部分,圆是画不出来的,
◆ 虚幻连线
之前我们所能画出的ASCII线条方向, ↖↑↗
都不能逃脱米字步范围。 W← →E
有没有办法突破这项限制呢? ↙↓↘
· °
· ·
· 。 Charles' Wain
· ·
˙ °
· ·
˙ . Crux
画出来的人,不是原作者,而是欣赏作品的各位。 ^^
◆ 虚幻曲线
│ ˙ 当我们要在直角座标系统中,
│ 画出某道方程式在上面呈现的图形,
│ 通常都从描点开始。
│ 以这个方程式为例∶
│ 取x为0, 2, 4, 6, 8,
│ 依序得到y为-3, -2, 1, 6, 13。
│ ˙ 然后在(0,-3),(2,-2),(4,1)...等等座标画下记号。
│ 当这些〔重要点〕的数量足够了,
│ 抛物线也跟著浮现在眼前,
│ 接著我们就可以在纸上画出这道曲线。
˙ │ ˙
│ 2 x
˙ │ ˙y = (0.5x) - 3
........ :. .:
:'''''''': ':: ::'
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::.
:: :: .:: ::. ..:
:: :::''' '''::. ::
:: .:' ':. ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: ':. .:' ::
:: '::... ...::' ::
':::::::::::::::::::'''::::'''::::::::::::::::' 化学实验容器组
., 人与人沟通,除了肢体言语上的表达之外,
.* ★.★, .★*. 彼此心神的意会也很重要。
,★`* .★ " * '." ★ 虽然,ASCII符号材料毕竟是有限,
`. ',★ ,' 我们还是尽可能表达我们要画的图像。
★ .: ★
* . ,* '★ .* 到最后,由作者、读者合力描绘虚幻曲线,
' . ', * 让看似不可能存在ASCII世界里的图形,
` ". 心心相印 如work a miracle一般,出现在这里。 ^^
Introduction to Ming Chan ASCII Art Volume 3 Brick Laying Philosophy
Outline: Ⅰ Stacking Ⅱ Vertical and horizontal lines Ⅲ Illusive thread Origin from: Tolo Note
Ⅰ Stack
ASCII Art Design is not so much about drawing ASCII pictures
It's better to say it's an ASCII image.
Just like stacking bricks, we stack the parts symbol
Stack it in the right place. The more you stack it, the more it becomes.
Then gradually build a work
Before you really start to cover the pictures, please recall the feeling of playing puzzles, tangrams, and Lego blocks in the past.
Then find your ASCII treasure chest and prepare to select appropriate symbols and place them in appropriate positions.
First, let’s demonstrate a simple stacked diagram here to draw a tropical fish.
A simple fish shape with a wide body, narrowed towards the head, and a tail fin
So we use the right triangle and the largest solid square
Make an isosceles right triangle with one small size and one big size
That is, the tail fin and the body of the fish, as shown in the picture on the left
Made a slight change and dug out a block, but the fish shape remains.
Then he used Chinese periods to draw small bubbles.
A cute tropical fish is completed
We can make some more changes to this fish shape. The last one seems to be a spade rotated 90 degrees ^^"
Add a lot of symbols to create the feeling of being in the water
Although I added some more color code decorations
However, the basic symbols that make up graphics are very simple.
The two main elements of ASCII diagrams are symbols & color codes.
This volume focuses on the symbol accumulation part
If readers don’t know how to use color codes, it doesn’t matter.
The next volume will teach you how to use it.
Drawing ASCII graphics is not difficult. The author recommends that beginners start with small graphics.
Just like you did with the stick figures before, try drawing something small, say
Zzz.. . ζ
sixteenth note dormouse
baseball field infield
The lowercase zeta actually became the tail of a little mouse. Unexpectedly ^ ^
3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7
As for the slightly larger pictures, they are from distinguished guests who live in the highlight area of the author's personal board.
: '
Sco. .
. ' :
, '
. '. Scorpio
Well, that’s enough. After reading these works, readers can start creating some:
Ⅱ Vertical and horizontal lines
Various forms
We can use water pipes to write ASCII characters, and of course we can also use them to draw ASCII pictures.
The most common occasion for line drawing is to draw tables. Please expand and extend the following examples by yourself.
closed frame
non-enclosed frame
title bar effect
Shadow effect paper turning
Tic Tac Toe
Sometimes I see people using half-shaped underscores and vertical bars to draw tables.
In fact, the author does not recommend that you use half-shaped special symbols to draw tables, especially the connecting parts.
Only full-width special symbols must be closely connected to each other. If half-width special symbols are used, the connection effect is not good.
Table drawn with half-shaped special symbols
It feels rough
And its parts are too fine. According to the author’s experience
Easily disrupted and difficult to maintain
game schedule
It is also useful to use your experience in drawing tables to draw schedules.
Make a neat and gorgeous schedule so that participants can feel the organizer’s intentions ^^
A 1st
B 2nd
C 2nd
D 1st
Second Runner-up Champion
C 1st
D 2nd
A 2nd
B 1st
After you learn the color codes, you can come back and make a schedule. This will give you more room to play.
The person or team that has successfully advanced can be easily identified by changing the lines to thicker ones.
2002 FIFA World Cup
A1 Denmark 0 Champion: Brazil 3 1 Spain B1
Runner-up: Germany
F2 England 3 1 3 0 2 1 Ireland E2
H2 Belgium 0 2 5 0 1 Italy G2
C1 Brazil 2 1 0 G 2 South Korea D1
2 0
F1 Sweden 1 0 1 1 Germany E1
3 2
A2 Senegal 2 G 0 1 0 Paraguay B2
C2 Türkiye 1 1 G Third runner-up: Türkiye 0 2 United States D2
Runner-up: South Korea
H1 Japan 0 0 Mexico G1
Ⅲ The Thread of Illusion
After drawing many ASCII pictures, occasionally curious netizens will ask how to draw a circle.
circle A piece of cake I can give you a lot o ο 0 O
What? No, it has to be solid. I have a lot of them too.
Hehe, okay, the above is just a joke :p
Regarding the issue of drawing circles, I’m sorry.
In the part that ASCII Art can reach, the circle cannot be drawn.
Well, don’t be too disappointed. The mountains will not change, but the poor will make changes.
The author just said that to be more precise, we cannot draw a perfect circle.
Unreal Connection
The direction of the ASCII lines we could draw before
No one can escape the range of Mizibu
Is there any way to overcome this limitation?
Charles' Wain
I believe that when most people see the work above,
What comes to mind is a big ladle with the handle facing left and the mouth facing up.
But it's obviously just seven points randomly scattered on the plane. Where is the bucket?
Many people have a deep-rooted impression of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major.
When you see these seven stars, you will automatically start from the fluctuating light on the left.
In order, use a straight line to connect the Kaiyang double stars on the right, the Yuheng on the right, and the slightly darker Tianquan.
Tianji looking down, Tianxuan on the right, and Tianshu yellowing above
This is the imaginary connection. The Southern Cross constellation below is another example.
. Crux
Although the line is not actually drawn, it is equivalent to drawing it.
The person who drew it is not the original author, but everyone who appreciates the work ^^
illusory curve
The lines of Unreal Connect are mainly straight, but we can go one step further and make the lines turn.
When we want to be in a Cartesian coordinate system
Draw a graph of what an equation looks like above
Usually start from the drawing point
Take this equation for example
Take x as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
In order, we get y as 3, 2, 1, 6, 13
Then draw marks at the coordinates 0, 3, 2, 2, 4,1...etc.
When the number of these important points is sufficient
The parabola also appeared in front of my eyes.
Then we can draw this curve on paper
y 0.5x 3
The key to the success of Thread of Illusion lies in whether it can convince readers with actual drawn clues.
The so-called clues are the important points mentioned just now. The more you draw, the easier it is to persuade successfully.
........ :. .:
:'''''''': ':: ::'
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::.
:: :: .:: ::. ..:
:: :::''' '''::. ::
:: .:' ':. ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: ':. .:' ::
:: '::... ...::' ::
'::::::::::::::::::::'''::::''':::::::::::::::::' Chemical Experiment Container Group
When the reader is persuaded by these important points and concludes that the three are Erlenmeyer flask, flask and beaker respectively
They automatically draw an outline of these three things in their mind
So even if the middle is not a real ellipse, the reader will definitely know that you are drawing an ellipse.
., communication between people in addition to body language expression
.* . , . *. The understanding of each other’s minds is also very important.
, * . " * '." Although ASCII symbol material is limited after all
. ', ,' We still try our best to express the image we want to draw
* . ,* ' .* In the end, the author and readers work together to draw the illusory curve
' . ', * makes graphics that seem impossible to exist in the ASCII world
". Heart to heart, like a miracle, they appear here ^^