shout-outs to:FUEL, BLOCKTRONiCS, TiTAN, iMPURE.all OGs from A
CiD, CiA, iCE, SAC, CRO.all the 1337 haxx0rz & infosec people,
esp. dAN, viSS, aLFiE, eViLSOCKET,x0RZ, gOSSI, LA b
ros jOHN/SELECTOR, gRiZZ/HLA,also rEEF, aBCNT, cRYPTiK. my br
others from another mother:zNR, dMG, sYPH, bOhEmE, 2o!, iKS, kT
,mARCUS, fREMAN, oDYZ, mB.thx to piNGUiNO for the template <3